Corpseblight Species in Barovia | World Anvil
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Built upon harvested spores from a carefully curated fungus, this is a powdery contact poison often thrown in a glass vial, where it affects anything within a 5' radius of where it shatters.     Any undead creature of CR 4 or less that is exposed to Corpseblight must make an immediate DC 15 Constitution save or take 1d6+6 necrotic damage that ignores resistance and immunity.     Every hour afterwards, the undead must make another Constitution Saving Throw or take an additional 1d6+6 necrotic damage. The undead must succeed on a total of 3 such saves in order to ward off the infection. If the undead reaches 0 hit points, they disintegrate entirely. If Corpseblight is applied to an inanimate corpse, the corpse disintegrates over 24 hours, leaving no trace.     Corpseblight is infectious while active. Any applicable undead that comes within 5' of an afflicted undead or corpse for the first time in a round, or starts their turn there, must Save or be infected. Successfully throwing off the infection does not grant any sort of immunity to Corpseblight. Thus, a large mob of undead will often repeatedly reinfect one another   Corpseblight is a very rare fungus that one has to create more of by 'breeding it' on actual corpses
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