Nightshade Species in Barovia | World Anvil
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This deadly plant is relatively uncommon and is often sold on the black market for assassins. The plant is the primary ingredient for the poison known as Assassin’s Blood  Although to create Assassin's Blood, the plant's toxic nature is diluted to the point of weakening a target but not killing them. Nightshade in its raw form takes about ten minutes to become effective and up to 4 hours before a target dies from the poison. This is not very effective as Nightshade has a distinct taste and odor so slipping the plant in someone's food or drink will simply cause them to spit it out.   If a creature consumes Nightshade they are affected by the poison condition. After thirty minutes, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw at DC 10. If successful nothing happens and the creature will continue to make a constitution saving throw every thirty minutes with the DC increasing by five after every successful save.   On a failure, the creature immediately falls unconscious with 0 hp and will need to make death saving throws.
Scientific Name
Atropa belladonna
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