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  Barovia exists in its own demiplane and many of the 'normal' rules of magic do not apply there:
  • Any spells, including wish, which could (in other realms) allow PCs to escape simply do not work in Barovia. Similarly, a spell intended to banish another creature to a different plane of existence will not work either. These restrictions also apply to magical items.
  • The only exception to this restriction is magic that might transport a being to the Border Ethereal.
  • Barovia is considered to be in its own plane.
  • Magic that can summon items or creatures into the plane of Barovia works as normal, as does magic involving extradimensional spaces (however, magic used in such spaces follows the same restrictions as in the plane of Barovia).
  • PCs which gain powers from deities or otherworldly beings continue to do so in Barovia.
  • PCs who can be contacted by beings from other planes can still receive such messages - however, Strahd can sense such contact and can choose to become the recipient instead.
  PCs who use magic spells may find that familiar spells may change in the manner in which they normally manifest. Generally, they add an unsettling feeling for the caster and their fellow PCs. For example:
  • spells that create hands, familiars, steeds, guides or guardians may shift so that they appear to be skeletal, ghostly or undead
  • spells which create noises (e.g. alarms or wind) may find that shrieks, screams or agonising moans ring out instead of the more usual sounds
  • Other effects might be the apparition of skulls, sickly children, claws or the presence of some other, uninvited being
  Those who are unfortunate enough to die in Barovia have another problem to deal with; their souls are (most likely) trapped in the Domain of Dread forever. This takes its toll on the soul. A person who manages to return to life, through a magical spell or some other means, effectively has a 24 hour window to do it consequence free. Thereafter, the realisation of eternity in Strahd's clutches begins to turn even the boldest of adventurers insane. A PC who suffers this fate should roll on the Indefinite Madness table in chapter 8 of the DMG.


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