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Blue Water Inn

The Blue Water Inn is Vallaki’s main gathering place for locals, especially at night. Many consider the inn a sanctuary from the evils of this land. In the event of trouble, the windows and doors can all be barred shut from within.   A bed for the night costs 1 ep. Anyone looking for something to eat are fed hot beet soup and fresh bread at no additional charge. A cooked wolf steak costs 1 ep.   The inn offers a pint of Purple Grapemash No. 3 wine for 3 cp, or a pint of the superior Red Dragon Crush wine for 1 sp. However, as of late, the supply of wine is running low. The inn’s wine supply is almost depleted, and the latest delivery from the Wizard of Wines Winery is overdue.   The innkeeper is Urwin Martikov, who runs the place alongside his wife, Danika Dorakova. They also have two sons, Brom and Bray, eleven and nine.


Gray smoke issues from the chimney of this large, two-story wooden building with a stone foundation and sagging tile roof, upon which several ravens have perched. A painted wooden sign hanging above the main entrance depicts a blue waterfall. A 3-foot-high stone rim surrounds the mouth of this 40-foot-deep, moss-lined well. The inn draws fresh water from this well.   A wooden staircase hugs the outer wall of the inn and leads up to guest quarters on the upper floor. The sturdy wooden door at the top of the stairs can be barred from the inside.   Inside, damp cloaks hang from pegs in the entrance portico. The tavern is packed with tables and chairs, with narrow paths meandering between them. A bar stretches along one wall, under a balcony that can be reached by a wooden staircase that hugs the north wall. Another balcony overhangs an entrance to the east. All the windows are fitted with thick shutters and crossbars. Lanterns hanging above the bar and resting on the tables bathe the room in dull orange light and cast shadows upon the walls, most of which are adorned with wolf heads mounted on wooden plaques.   A wooden balcony stretches the full length of the taproom, enclosed by a wooden railing carved with raven motifs. The taproom’s many lanterns illuminate the rafters and cast ominous shadows on the peaked ceiling.   The kitchen clearly shows the signs of someone who loves to cook. It has piles of pots, walls lined with utensils and shelves of ingredients, and all manner of pleasant odors. Two lanterns hang above a sturdy pine worktable in the middle of the clutter. A pot of soup often bubbles on the hearth.   There are two guest bedrooms, each containing two cozy beds with matching footlockers rest in the far corners of these fifteen-foot-square rooms. Wolf furs are heaped atop each bed. Between the beds, a lamp sits on a table under a shuttered window. Two tall black wardrobes stand against the wall by the door.   There’s a third guest bedroom, which contains four plain beds with straw mattresses line the north wall of this well-lit room. Each bed comes with a matching footlocker to store clothing and other belongings. A table and four chairs occupy the corner across from the door. An oil lamp resting on the table casts a bright yellow flame.   One can hear the squawking of birds and the plaintive whinny of a horse if they peer inside the stable. The stalls are clean and well maintained. One of them contains a gray mare. A small door is set into the east wall, and a wooden ladder gives access to a loft overhead. Perched on the wooden railing that encloses the loft are dozens of ravens.
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