Coffin Maker's Shop
This uninviting shop is two stories tall and has a sign shaped like a coffin above the front door. All of the window shutters are closed up tight, and a deathly silence surrounds the establishment.
Every window of Henrik’s shop is a latticework of iron fitted with squares of frosted glass and locked from the inside. The outside doors of the shop are barred shut from within.
There's a workshop that contains everything a carpenter needs to make coffins and furniture. Three sturdy worktables stretch the length of the west wall. Daphne also investigated a modest bedchamber holds a cot and several well-made pieces of furniture, including a table, a padded chair, a bookshelf, and a wardrobe, where the bones of St. Andral were found.
The party discovered that a nest of vampire spawn had made their residence in the Coffinmaker's home. The party knows there was at least 4 or more that resided there, and managed to kill one of them. There were sounds of fleeing to the north, and two vampire spawn seen fleeing south.