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Sylphrena Windrider

Village of Barovia
In the quiet embrace of the moonlit night, we gather to pay tribute to a soul who danced in the gentle glow of the celestial orb. Sylphrena, the Child of the Moon, has woven her essence into the very fabric of nature, leaving behind a tapestry of memories that flutter like leaves in the breeze.   Soft-spoken in words, yet resolute in spirit, Sylphrena was an elf who found solace in the whispers of the wind and the soft hum of nature. Her heart beat in harmony with the pulse of the forest, and her druidic magic was a dance with the elements she held dear. Through the perilous journey of life, she tread lightly upon the earth, leaving no mark but the imprint of compassion on the hearts of her companions.   In the eerie halls of Death House, where shadows clung to the walls like ghostly echoes, Sylphrena embraced the ultimate sacrifice. With a heart full of love for her friends, she faced the darkness head-on, a beacon of selflessness in the face of adversity. Her sacrifice echoes in the murmurs of the wind and the mournful howls of distant wolves.   Finnie, her steadfast companion, now carries the weight of her absence. Yet, in the stillness of the night, when the moon graces the sky, he may feel her presence lingering in the soft glow of moonlight or the gentle touch of a breeze. Sylphrena's spirit lives on in the symphony of nature, a reminder that even in death, her love for her friends is an eternal flame.   As we bid farewell to this Child of the Moon, let us remember her with every rustle of leaves, every ripple in the pond, and every gentle sigh of the wind. Sylphrena, your essence is woven into the very fabric of our quest, and though you may have left this mortal realm, your spirit dances on in the moonlit groves and star-kissed skies.


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