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Vimak's Nightmare about Syl

As the night descends and your weary eyes surrender to the embrace of sleep, you find yourself standing in the heart of an ancient forest. The air is thick with the scent of blooming flowers, and a soft, haunting melody hums in the background.   In the clearing before you, you see a little blue haired elf, her silhouette illuminated by the gentle glow of moonlight. She is tending to a bed of vibrant flowers, each petal a reflection of the love she harbored for nature. As you approach, a sense of tranquility envelops you, and the world feels ephemeral, like a dream within a dream.   Sylphrena looks up, her eyes reflecting the moon's silver glow. "Vimak! You came to see me!" her voice a soothing melody that resonates with the rustling leaves.   You engage in conversation with Sylphrena, the forest around you seeming alive, responding to her presence with a symphony of nature's whispers. "The flowers here carry the whispers of the moon, if you listen closely you can hear them" she says, as she picks a forget me not and holds it to your ear. "Each petal holds a story, a memory of the beauty that exists even in the darkest of nights."   As you speak, her face flickers a flash of a horrifying distortion of Syl's face with black pits for eyes and a dislocated jaw before returning to normal instantly. A subtle unease creeps into the dream. Her gaze locks onto yours, and her expression morphs into an unsettling mask of sorrow and pure terror. "Help me," she pleads, her voice desperate. "I'm so cold" You look down and see blood seeping from her wrists as she begs you. "Why didn't you save me, Vimak?" Tears are streaming down her face, "You could've saved me, but you let me die, I thought we were friends!"   Syl's eyes glaze over and she goes into a trance like state. "Something is wrong. I can't control it." The once serene forest darkens, and the flowers wilt at her feet. Shadows coil around her like serpents, and the air grows heavy with an oppressive tension.   Suddenly, she snaps her head to look deeper into the forest, as if she heard something. "He's coming." As she looks back at you, a moment of clarity comes over her, she takes your hand and places something in it. "Take this, it will help you!" You look down to see she has given you a crystal, as you look up her face contorts into something grotesque and monstrous, you see Sylphrena as she is now, decaying. Sunken eyes and protruding cheekbones, her hair now strands clinging to her skull. "He's coming," Sylphrena cries out, her eyes wide with terror. "Run!"   As you sprint through the nightmarish woods, the shadows clawing at your heels, you burst into a moonlit clearing. To your astonishment, your own campsite comes into view, and your companions lie peacefully sleeping. The dream takes a surreal turn as you watch yourself sleep, the rhythmic breathing of your comrades filling the air.   Suddenly, you're jolted awake in your own bed, drenched in sweat. The moonlight filters through, and the echoes of the nightmare linger in the recesses of your mind. The forest, the flowers, and Sylphrena's haunting visage dissipate like a fleeting mirage, leaving you in the cold reality of your darkened tent.


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