Armand de Chalamet

Rightful Baron of Chalamet Armand de Chalamet

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

An unimpressive stature, but a he has a presence that's hard to ignore.

Facial Features

Sharp features.

Identifying Characteristics

Round spectacles and moon-white hair.

Special abilities

He is a prodigious physician, well-trained and disciplined. At least, he was disciplined.

Apparel & Accessories

Always well-dressed in a white shirt and waistcoat. He carries a dark apron for when he reluctantly performs surgeries, and his white sleeves are permanently stained with the blood of his patients.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Armand was born the second child to a minor noble family, his father the baron of a small estate on the outskirts of a large city. His parents would have seven children before Armand’s mother died of disease. Armand inherited his affection for tea from his father, and his knack for dragonchess from his mother. Armand has an empathetic nature, which drove him to study for many years in a distant city to become an able physician. The nearby city was run by a powerful and indulgent duke, who abused his citizenry, engaged them in meaningless wars, and taxed the populace into poverty. The duke’s son was no better; working as a servant at the duke’s estate was as good as a death sentence. Most servants of the duke found themselves swinging from a rope sooner or later - some by choice.   While Armand attended school in a faraway city, the duke cheated Armand’s family out of their position and estate. Armand’s father died a beggar while his siblings lived on scraps. Armand returned home to hear of his father’s death, and spent months trying to find his missing siblings with no success.   Armand’s proficiency as a surgeon was well-known; not two weeks after Armand’s return to his home, the duke’s son was badly injured in a hunting accident while his father was away. The duke’s steward begged Armad to save the man’s life. Armand acted by instinct at first, routinely treating the man. His wound would not be fatal in capable hands, and Armand’s were well-trained. But his hands hesitated. He ordered the servants and his assistants of the room. He put away his equipment, and watched the duke’s son bleed to death on his family’s dining table.   Before the duke was notified of his son’s death, Armand hurriedly packed his things and fled the duke’s estate, escaping to the city’s underbelly. The local thieves’ guild hid Armand in exchange for his services as a physician, patching up thieves and brigands after jobs gone wrong, bouts with the guards, and turf wars with other thieves. After several months in hiding, one of the thieves returned from a job clutching a small, finely-crafted tome: a wizard’s spellbook. Armand paid the thief in exchange for the book, and stayed up the rest of the night lost in its pages. For the first time, arcane magic struck Armand as a gateway to possibilities he had never considered. No longer satisfied with simply preserving life, Armand’s deepest desire is to discover the secrets to creating life through arcane means.   Armand gives up his career in medicine willingly after the death of the duke’s son. When reminded of his crime, he tries to justify his actions to himself. But he mostly tries to avoid thinking about it. Perhaps he considers his quest to find the origin of life a kind of atonement for his crime; a way to do some good without doing evil.   Ever since the incident with the duke's son, Armand cannot stand the sight of blood.     Duke: Montgomery Hasting Duke's son: Marius Hasting   Father: Luc Mother: Eloise Younger siblings: Sylvain, Zelia, Violette, Gaspard   Region: Cormyr in Faerun City owned by Duke Hasting: Arabel Small town within the Chalamet region: Redspring Thieves' guild master in Arabel: Graycastle University: House of the Broken God in Keltar, a city within Calimshan


Trained in medicine and surgery at the most prestigious school.


Self-employed in his own medical practice for two weeks. He tells those who ask why he left medicine: “Just, ah, didn’t have the stomach for it.” or “Politics.”

Morality & Philosophy

“All men are capable of evil, but this does not mean we should succumb to it.”

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Dragonchess Tea Anatomy of exotic animals


Very well-groomed

A young ex-surgeon who cannot stand the sight of fresh blood, cold tea, or a dull conversation. His manners betray his nobility and hide his ties to the criminal underground.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Dark blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Primordial


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