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Kauri was raised in the wilderness with his tribe. Growing up Kauri and his younger brother kai did nearly everything together. Kauri had to quickly learn to protect his younger brother, because even though they lived in a tribe of orcs, they had a human father (who died when they were both young), and were both only half orc. The tribe treated their family well and fully accepted them regardless of their half-blood, however, they highly valued physical prowess over most other attributes. This suited Kauri well, as he was born very hardy, however Kai never enjoyed trials of strength and was more inclined to spend his time practicing instruments, a trait likely passed on from their father (a talented musician who traveled with the tribe until he was killed by a human raiding party). Although Kauri often mocked his brother for his weakness, he loved listening to the music and secretly wanted to learn to play himself. One day Kauri was off on a hunting expedition gathering meat for the tribe, he was gone for a few weeks, and returned to find his home empty. There was faint signs of a struggle, but no bodies or blood left behind. Kauri found Kais lyre in the family hut, but all of the weapons and other valuables were gone.Kauri figured that the clan was hiding from a human guard attack from one of the local villages and had been unable to let him know. and everything had just been stolen in their absence. He decided to wait until they returned. The days turned to weeks, and the weeks turned to months. Kauri spent his time playing his lost brothers instrument and searching for any signs of where his tribe had gone. Even though he had a strong distrust of most humans, he knew that he would have to venture into the local villages to try and find out some whispers of where his tribe had gone. The first village that he entered he was immediately met with distrust and prejudice, unable to find anyone willing to even help share information, he decided to challenge some of the men to a grappling match. He soundly bested them, but instead of earning their respect, he earned only more hatred, he was quickly driven from the town for being a half-breed. The next town that Kauri entered,he knew that he would need a different approach than the style he had grown up with. Using his brothers lyre he began performing at taverns to gain trust. His skill increased and he was no longer hunted and kicked out of each village, but the search for his tribe was still unsuccessful, he had not yet found even a rumor of what had happened. Kauri eventually heard a rumor that he could potentially find some answers on the town of Borovia and began his travels there.   Kauri was raised in a tribe that highly values honor. A group of humans had attacked their village while kauri and kai were only youth, and began slaughtering all the could find,wether they were adult warriors, or young children they were killed regardless, Kauris father attempted to fight back with the other orcs,but they were quickly overwhelmed, His father spent the last of his energy casting a spell that destroyed the mauraders, but caused his own death. The tribe eventually recovered, but Kauri still doesn't trust humans untill they prove their honor. Kauris tribe had never attacked women or children in their raids or anyone who was unarmed. (he isnt full of hatred towards humans, he just thinks that most of them lack honor and doesnt trust them)