

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is six feet tall with a lithe, slender build.

Facial Features

He has soft facial features with a long, almond-shaped head, long, light-blond hair, and green, youthful eyes.

Physical quirks

He has an unusually light gait, as if he's just barely touching the floor when he walks.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a single white, open breasted robe girded about the waist. The robe opens up past the waste revealing a pair of loose fitting pants and and curved leather slippers. These were the robes he wore when he studied Bladesinging.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Thuridon is a Moon Elf who was born in 1374 DR outside of the city of Myth Drannor shortly before it was recaptured from the Daemonfey by Seiveril Miritar. Both his mother and father died in the assault and he was adopted by Naal and Shava Firahel, a romantically involved pair of Sun Elf soldiers that found the newly-born Thuridon back at the war camp. All that he had alongside him were several personal effects left by his parents, comprised of an unidentified signet ring, a single Talis card bearing the image of The Tower, and a spellbook written in an incomprehensible notation. Naal and Shava kept these items and handed them down to Thuridon when he reached a point in his life when he could try to make sense of them. Alas, that time never came.

With many of its early years post-reclamation being treated as a war front, Myth Drannor hosted no shortage of warriors and crusaders from all over Faerun. Showing great aptitude for learning and agility, he would eventually begin his training as a Bladesinger under Dreali Firahel, his adoptive brother and a member of the Coronal Guard. Despite his age he was seen as an ideal candidate and the cold war with the Netherese warranted the training of even the youths of Myth Drannor. At the tender age of 50 years old in the year 1434 DR Thuridon would perform his first Bladesong. However, he did not persist with the art. Despite the efforts of his adoptive family, he did not feel as though he had a place amongst them, or a place in Myth Drannor. Not even knowing his own family name he felt as though he lacked a true sense of identity, being a product of the circumstances within which he was born. He wanted to know more about himself and the world that he lived in. He would have sought knowledge regarding his progenitors by returning to the Elven ancestral home of Evermeet, but in 1385 DR the entire nation had disappeared from the world in the wake of the Spellplague. Indeed, many of the Elven peoples of Faerun had gone missing, and with them, their culture. So in 1438 DR Thuridon headed west, towards the Conclave of Silverymoon, so that he could study and learn all that he could about himself and his people.

Having already studied the arcane arts under Dreali, Thuridon was accepted into the school with open arms and would spend much of his time within the Vault of Sages, studying the history of his people, seeking to one day uncover who he was. But despite his best efforts, after decades of study, he could not deduce the origin of his signet, and none of his study of magic could help him interpret the writings within the spellbook that he inherited, or whether it was even a book of spells to begin with. With time, his mastery of Bladesong had diminished as he delved further into his studies. But despite this, he was happy with his new place within the world. He had come to accept that perhaps he would never quite know his origins, which didn't matter as much now that in the process the conclave had become the family he had chosen for himself. Of course, all of this changed when he had received news that the flying Netherese City of Thultanthar had come crashing down upon Myth Drannor. It was utterly destroyed, all of its inhabitants dead.

Thuridon believes he chose to return to the city to receive some sense of closure and perhaps understanding. But amongst the ruins of his former home he found neither. Overcome with grief he could not bring himself to return to Silverymoon, so he spent an entire year combing over the wreckage to find he could of his adoptive family. Unfortunately there was naught to be uncovered. Unwilling to return to his studies, and unwilling to stay within this necropolis, he began to wander. He became a vagrant traveler, wearing little but his practice Bladesinging robes to remind him of what he had lost as he clung to the memory of his family. And as he passed through these settlements he would always check in to see if anybody there could recognize the name of Firahel, or the signet upon his ring.

Gender Identity





His early youth was focused on the ancient elven martial art of Bladesinging, which he had become proficient in at around the age of 50. He subsequently fell out of practice when he shifted his focus to more academic studies.   Thuridon studied for nearly five decades at the Conclave of Silverymoon. While there his studies had focused mostly upon history and culture of the Teu-tel-quessir, or Moon Elves, as well as other elven cultures. He also would study the arcane when it became necessary, but it was not his main field.


He spent 10 years working as a teaching assistant within the Vault of Sages at the Conclave of Silverymoon.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Likely one of the youngest elves in history to be able to perform a Bladesong.

Failures & Embarrassments

He could never deduce the origins of his signet ring or even begin to comprehend the spellbook he inherited, never even bothering to figure out the significance of his Talis card, the Tower.

Mental Trauma

Having been born not knowing his birth family, he lacks self-esteem due to lacking what he considers a critical part of his identity. After losing the entirety of his adoptive family this insecurity has only increased. He feels as though he has no place to call his own, or any one to turn to for love and support. He considers himself lost. In fact, he is very depressed.

Intellectual Characteristics

His greatest strength is his mental acuity, being quick to learn and understand even the most complicated of concepts in a short amount of time. This is paired with a strong drive to learn gives him the potential to become one of the greatest minds in Faerun.

Morality & Philosophy

He believes strongly in serving those around him and trying to make the world a better place. For many years he accomplished this by studying his culture and history, believing the preservation of knowledge and history to be one of the greatest things he could do for his people. Unfortunately, this drive to help is not as often extended to humanity. While he does not consider humans lesser beings in any way, he has difficult time taking any of them seriously due to their short lifespans and perspectives. This doesn't necessarily apply to all humans, as many of his colleagues were wizards that had extended their lives longer than one could consider normal for a human.

Personality Characteristics


In the past he has been motivated to learn and discover more about his family, but now his greater focus lies in finding some place where he can feel like he belongs. The often manifests itself in half-heartedly seeking some trace of either his birth or adoptive families wherever he goes.

Likes & Dislikes

Thuridon enjoys the company of others, although not for very long periods of time. When he can, he finds the time to read through any good book he can, preferring to stick to the historical and non-fiction. He dislikes seeing displays of selfishness or short-sightedness as he has trouble empathizing with such a mindset. He absolutely hates being interrupted while deep in thought.

Virtues & Personality perks

He is very tolerant and open-minded regarding others' life styles. He has a kindly manner with a great deal of compassion and empathy towards others.

Vices & Personality flaws

Since the loss of his home he has had a tendency to get lost in thought and stare off into the distance. He lacks much motivation to do very much beyond read and travel, although when he does find such motivation he becomes very single minded and cold in his pursuit.

Personality Quirks

He has fairly severe Irritable Bowl Syndrome. As such he passes gas fairly often and not in the greatest of circumstances. Also, he goes to the toilet more often than one would expect. He is very embarrassed by this and will try his utmost to not draw attention to any of it, and will lie if questioned regarding any foul odors he may have expelled.


He bathes whenever possible, believing hygiene to be very important. Despite this, he only has one set of clothes that he wears everywhere he goes.


Contacts & Relations

He has several colleagues and contacts at the Conclave of Silverymoon. He has also had romantic relationships with several different men and women, though none of them having lasted very long.

Family Ties

To his knowledge, all of his family is dead.

Religious Views

Thuridon is a fairly lax follower of Labelas Enoreth, acknowledging him in his prayers, but little more than that.

Hobbies & Pets

He has a white, Barn Owl familiar whom he has named Owlbert. Having been together for a number of years they have grown fairly close.

Wealth & Financial state

Next to none. Since the destruction of Myth Drannor he hasn't really had any steady source of income. When he absolutely needs money he finds short term employment as a tutor until he has enough to survive the next couple of months again.

A child of liberating soldiers, he chose to forsake one of his people's highest arts. He became a scholar in his pursuit of his ancestry, and in the process saved his life while losing the only living family he had.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Date of Birth
1374 DR
Myth Drannor
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
135 lbs.
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Gnomish, Draconic, and Sylvan


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