Sir Vladimir Horngaard Character in Barovia | World Anvil
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Sir Vladimir Horngaard

The leader of the knights of the Silver Dragon. His order destroyed, his master butchered and his comrades all slain, yet the spirit of the knight-commander still clings to his festered body. After centuries of existence Vladimir Horngaard knows only odium for the Devil that caused his pain. He sits atop his throne in the ruins of Argynvostholt assured in the knowledge that his enemy's imprisonment in the cursed land of Barovia is the righteous punishment Strahd deserves. Vladimir Horngaard is determined to let the Devil rot in the prison of his own creation in eternity and will oppose anyone that tries to end that punishment.  

Blinded by hate

In his past life Sir Vladimir Horngaard was a brilliant tactician and a resolute leader of the Order of the Silver Dragon. He was known as a kind person who wished to defend the weak from the tyranny of the Count Strahd von Zarovich. Sadly he and his order were no match for the Zarovich prince and his armies. The knight-commander watched as Strahd annihilated everything he held dear including his dearest comrade and lover Sir Godfrey. Now in his undeath Sir Vladimir only remembers the hate for his enemy. Although he remembers everything the devil has done to him, the actual faces and people of his past have been lost to the mists. Now he can't even recall the face of his partner though he knows of his death.  
Death of Sir Godfrey


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