The Abbot Character in Barovia | World Anvil
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The Abbot

A mysterious figure known only as The Abbot (of St. Markovia). Allegedly he has lived for 200 years all the while taking care of the abbey overlooking the small town of Krezk . In recent memory however not much else is known of The Abbot since he rarely leaves the monastery only occasionally conversing with the mayor of Krezk.  

Fall from Grace

The Outsiders made their way to the Abbey of St. Markovia hoping to find an ally in the mysterious Abbot. What they found was an unsettling sight of grizzly experimentations and a holy man who claimed he was an angel sent to rid the land of Barovia of the Curse of Strahd ;) The Abbot said that he had surmised long ago that battling the Devil is pointless and would not remedy the damnation over Barovia. In his mind the best path to take was to create the perfect bride for Strahd. Only then would the Devil move on from a tragedy in his past where he lost his beloved in an unknown accident. This was all according to the Abbot's research since coming to Barovia. After coming to this conclusion he had decided to take up residence in the Abbey as he found it was a holy place where the martyr Markovia had held her last stand against the Devil long ago. The abbey had been an asylum for people with terrible and incurable illnesses. The Abbot took in people from all over Barovia and offered to rid them of the maladies using his divine powers. All he asked in return was for them to aid him in his research on constructing the perfect bride. This was the origin of the mongrelfolk. Beings that were the hybrid forms of humanoid races and different animals. The abbot thinks he is close to fulfilling his plan and asked the Outsiders if they could assist him with fetching a wedding gown from Vallaki.


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