Wizard of the Wines Building / Landmark in Barovia | World Anvil
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Wizard of the Wines

Wizard of the Wines is the most famous winery in all of Barovia. Its spirits supply almost most of Barovia's inns and taverns while their more refined selections stack the wine racks of the nobility. Rumors surrounding the winery say that the recognizable divine flavour of its wine is due to wizardly magic - the origin of the name. The "wizard" is run by the Martikov family and its patriarch Davian Martikov. Recently major settlements like Krezk and Vallaki have been missing their regular deliveries from the winery. When trying to enter the town of Krezk the party of Outsiders along with Ireena Kolyana were asked to check on the vineyard and help bring the deliveries back on track.  


The Party soon discovered that the Wizard of the Wines was taken over by a tribe of mountain folk commanding an horde of forest blights. These druids held a grudge against the winemakers because of their magic of growing vines. Apparently the rumor about the origin of the wines was true, and the Martikovs used 3 magical stones imbued with ancient magic of the land to grow and cultivate their grapes. The druids of the mountain had coveted these stones for long but could never mount substantial attack on the winery, until recently when they suddenly advanced with an army of blights. They commanded the tree, needle and vine blights with a branch of a cursed tree from some depths of the barovian forests.
Vineyard / Orchard


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