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You were born in and have grown your entire life under the shadow of Castle Ravenloft and its master, The Devil Strahd.   Certain information is available to Barovian characters that interlopers will have to learn as the game progresses; if you are playing a Barovian, your character creation options are highly limited, but you should consult your Dungeon Master well in advance regarding Barovian lore.
When creating a character from Barovia, certain considerations are necessary. At the time of character creation, only the following options are available.   Limited classes are available in Barovia: clerics are permissible, though the only religion practiced with any regularity is that of the Morninglord. Fighters, rangers, rogues, and  sorcerers are also permissible.   Skills available in Barovia are likewise limited. Climb, Craft (blacksmithing, carpentry, weaponsmithing), Knowledge (geography, nature), Profession (brewer, farmer, fisher, herdsman), Sense Motive, Survival.   Feats — Blind-Fight, Ethereal Empathy, Lunatic, Skill Focus (Knowledge [monster lore]), Voice of Wrath, Weapon Focus (longsword).

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