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Lincoln Elias Gladstone

The Red Knight Lincoln Elias Gladstone (a.k.a. Linc, The Exorcist of Lowtown, the Devil Doctor of the Docks, *That* Guy)

"Lincoln Gladstone. Eerie freelancer, at your service. I'm sure we can come to an accord."   Warlock, eldritch mercenary and student of the magical arts.   "Ever meet a person that just weirds you out? Yeah, that's me."

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Not tall and not exactly short. Sort of stocky

Body Features

Got my bosses calling card branded into my right palm (an inverted torch, the handle of the torch touches the base of my middle finger and the great plume of flame touches where the palm meets my wrist).

Facial Features

Brown eyes set beneath a mop of mostly black (with some grey) hair and above a neatly trimmed beard that matches that shock of dark hair. Handsome in a weird sort of way.

Identifying Characteristics

I have multiple tattoos. The Marks of Command, The Binding Bridge, Various holy symbols, The Sulfur of Philosophers. All tools of the trade.

Physical quirks

None that I know of.

Apparel & Accessories

Long coat lined with consecrated chainmail. Dark drown trousers and appropriately matching boots. Scarlet shirt and a deep purple cable knit scarf. My belt hears several pouches of spell components and I almost always have a messenger bag with me.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I'm a quiet person who prefers the company of books and my cat, dusk. Given the, uh, jealous nature of my, uh, employer I tend to keep most people at arms length. It usually turns out to be in their best interest. I'm a good judge of character, but have been hoodwinked once or twice.   Do I have a problem with practitioners of the, so called, dark arts? Not really. But they tend to make themselves a problem for me. Better me than the boss though. They don't take kindly to people intruding upon her realm.   I'm loyal to the few friends I do have. It's that loyalty that got me into this business in the first place.   So to sum me up in a nutshell? I'm just a man that's fueled by gallows humor, otherworldly magic and a mix of tea and alcohol; trying to avoid getting his boss involved in the affairs of the this world.

Personality Characteristics


It's better that people and the things they fear deal with me rather than my boss. Trust me.   If I have learned anything in my travels, its that there truly is a natural order to the world. And we're better when that order is adhered to.

Likes & Dislikes

I love a good beer and hot meal. I'm also a big fan of reading. If that reading happens on a gloomy day and thus occurs near a fire with a hot cup of tea or coffee? Even better. I also love music and have been known to take part in a card game or two.   Not many dislikes. Bordercrossers mostly. They're a real pain in the ass.

Virtues & Personality perks

I don't suffer anyone that brings abuse upon the innocent and unknowing. If they are too frail to be aware of what things like in the dark corners of the world, then they don't deserve to be harmed by such creatures.   Though, I have found that the worst of such monsters is humanity.

Vices & Personality flaws

I have been known to be a sucker for a person claiming to be in distress that might not be.

Personality Quirks

My sense of humor is a bit off beat and has gotten me in trouble before.


I make it a point to keep clean. Makes it harder to be tracked if you do it right.


Family Ties

My sister Layla and her twins Martha and Michael.

Religious Views

If that isn't a loaded question, I don't know what is.

Social Aptitude

I'm good at working with others and try to get along with most people. Though, if I get pushed to the point of genuine irritation, I have been known to let such irritants know about it.


Quietly observational and a blatantly mischievous grin.

Hobbies & Pets

My cat Dusk. He entered my life when I made 'The Pact'. Dusk is a better judge of character than most and I trust him with my life.   As for hobbies, I spend most of my free time reading.

Wealth & Financial state

Haha... not much.

"Lincoln Gladstone. Eerie freelancer, at your service. Surely we can come to an accord..." Warlock, eldritch mercenary and student of the magical arts. "Ever meet a person that just weirds you out? Yeah, that's me."

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Red Knight, The Exorcist of Lowtown, The Devil Doctor of the Docks
Current Residence
Whatever inn I can afford to stay in.
Black with a bit of dark grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 7"

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