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Tales for Barovian Children

The Ladies Three

  Through the forest, in the trees I feel her eyes watching me What is my future, what does she see Seeker of the ladies three     Through the swamp, in the deep Stories that the land does keep What is our past, what does she see Weaver of the ladies three     Through the moun'ain, up so steep My soul she holds when land does reap What is my fate, what does she see Huntress of the ladies three  

The Bloodmoon Bride

  In a village cursed, beneath the blood-red moon, A tale of love and tragedy, an eternal swoon. The Bloodmoon Bride, both beautiful and dread, forever bound to a love that's long been dead.   Every full moon, she walks the village square, Seeking her lost love, with sorrow and despair. Her ghostly form, bathed in moonlight's hue, Her tears of blood a testament to love untrue.   Beware young lovers, and think before you wed, For if love turns to darkness, you'll join the Bride's dread. Break not your vows, for her curse will ensnare, And your love will be lost, forever in despair.    

The Raven's Call

  In the dead of night, when the moon's aglow, A raven's caw announces an omen of woe. Its eyes gleam red, its feathers so black, Bringing tidings of death, a grim attack.   When the raven calls, it's a warning so dire, A dark presence looms, fueled by unholy fire. Stay indoors, lock your doors, and pray, For the raven's call heralds a deadly fray.   Listen, dear children, to the raven's cry, And in its warning, find the strength to comply. For the night is dark, and the dangers untold, But with caution and wisdom, your fate may yet hold.  

The Lost Children of the Mist

  In the heart of Barovia, where the mist does reign, A tale of lost children, forever in pain. Taken by the mist, they wander astray, Their cries echo through the night, with no one to allay. Once carefree and joyous, now filled with dread, Their laughter turned hollow, their innocence dead. They haunt the misty woods, their eyes filled with fear, Seeking a way home, but forever lost, so clear.   Remember the lost, as you explore the land, Hold close to your heart, the touch of a helping hand. For the mist is unyielding, and its grip is so tight, The fate of the lost children, a haunting blight.  

The Tale of the Forgotten War

  Once, in days of yore, Barovia was aflame, With armies clashing, bringing death and pain. Lords fought for power, their kingdoms at stake, But in the end, all that remained was a forsaken lake.   The mist descended, shrouding the land, The victors and vanquished met the same fate, so grand. Now ghosts haunt the battlefield, their souls unrest, A reminder of the price paid by the brave and the best.   Remember this tale, when war's drums beat, For glory and honor, tread with caution, discreet lest Barovia claims you, in its eternal night, Where forgotten warriors forever fight.  

The Widow's Lament

  In the dark of night, she weeps and sighs,  The widow mourns beneath the starry skies.  Her love gone, taken by the mist so sly, Leaving her to live, while her heart did die.   Beware the mists, oh children, take heed, For they devour love, and sow despair like seed.  Stay closeto home when night draws near, Lest you find the widow's sorrow, too severe.  

The Vampyre's Song

  When shadows dance upon the moonlit floor, The vampyre prowls, her hunger seeking more. Her fangs so sharp, her eyes aglow, Beware her bite, lest your life she'll stow.   Lock your doors and bar your windows tight, When the vampyre comes to hunt at night. No silver, no stake can save you then, Once she claims your blood, your fate is penned.  

The Howling Wind

  The wind doth howl, a mournful wail, Through twisted trees and over the vale. In the dark, it carries secrets untold, Of werewolves cursed, both young and old.   Beware the night when the wind doth cry, For lurking in shadows, the werewolves lie. Keep silver close, and hold your ground, Or in their jaws, your fate will be found.

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