House of the Hallowed Talon

As chaos consumed the galaxy in the wake of The Dark Nova, the House of the Hallowed Talon emerged as one of the greatest protectors of the Domain of Inrash only to evaporate like water in the desert when the Jalrec Trust ourlawed the A-ra din.  

Born in Tragedy

  The Ji'kar A-ra din master, N'esh J'kro, served as the custodian of the Temple of Iorshin on Calvohiri. Her devotion to Sage Iorshin drew her to the temple and she was surprised when she found the Countess Palatine of Calvohiri, Jalee Kabod, shared her dedication to the saint.   When the Yawia attacked Calvohiri, J'kro and her team rushed to the palace to assist. The battle was fierce. The countess called for aid. All they had to do was hold out until the reinforcements arrived. The Yawia pressed the Calvohrin military back to the palace.   J'kro promised to hold off the invading forces until reinforcements arrived. As her team rushed the survivors to safety, J'kro singlehandedly held off the onslaught. She wove a shield around the palace, absorbing and deflecting all the incoming strikes.   After the reinforcing army arrived and routed the Yawia forces, the only remnant of J'kro found was one of the talons from her right hand.   The students at the temple formed a covenant and named themselves the House of the Hallowed Talon in her honor.  

The Covenant of J'kro

  Blessed be the memory of the dragonkin N'esh J'kro, great sage of the A-ra din, who taught us to serve life and defend those who cannot defend themselves. We swear in the light of day and the dark of night to stand against the tyrannt's hand where it seeks to grasp, and to free those bound in their chains.
Secret, Religious sect

Cover image: by C. E. Dorsett


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