Neri Manaan (nɛ-riː' mæ-nɑːn')

The Neri Manaan is a micro-nebula in the Qoten March. Scientists are divided over whether it is the remains of an ancient supernova or some strange remnant of an odd occurrence that happened when the star Luu Selem /luː seɪ-lɛm'/ formed.  

Localized Phenomena

Scientists have debated whether the Neri Manaan is the energetic remnants of the Luu Selem accretion disk, a hyper energized nebula, or a plasma storm that has not dissipated for all of recorded history.   The Neri Manaan is a tempestuous shell around the Luu Selem system. Twelve shifting paths lead through the maelstrom, but only one is open at a time. They open and close in a complicated pattern only known to a select few.  


Within the Neri Manaan among the ten worlds of the Luu Selem system, Galgano is the only one that ever had sapient inhabitants. The An-sarran explorer, Gemell Digahn is the first recorded to discover the twelve paths. It is unclear how many people lived in the system prior to The Dark Nova.   After the cataclysm, Sirall Nox and Vraahjun Kelaan gathered refugees into the system which survived untouched. They also founded the Divine Rookery to preserve the A-ra din Faith.   Passage in and out of the system was controlled by the fleet of Carriers which ferried visitors in and out of the system through the paths revealed by the algorithm held at the gate station.   In the centuries that followed, most of the population of Galgano left the system.   When The Ayzen attacked the Neri Manaan to seize control of the system, the Gate and its station self destructed to prevent them from finding the path into the system.

Nebula header by C. E. Dorsett with Canva


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