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Session 39: Animaesus and Tarrasques: A Coup Thwarted by A Circle of Kenku, Vampire Thralls, and A Dwarf

General Summary

Ferrum flies into and above the 12th House bind and he summons an undead thrall, a warhorse as he lands. He sees Ranas, frogfolk, presumably from the Second House, and other dwarves leftover from the 12th House hordes, and even a duo of Godbutchers watching. And as he watches, Ssech and Mel teleport in with six of her null, zombie, companions to aid and swarm around the 12th House Bind, what presumably the Second House wants. Yet, there are also two other mages, 11th House Loyalists, a halfling and another ranas. However, with illusion magic, Mel, Ssech, and her nulls are seem to be the Kenku murder her to defend the 12th Bind, something no one has ever seen. This confuses the former Kenku, Birdman, later on, to be sure. 
Ferrum cares little for them, and he begins to slaughter the dwarves in from of him after they tried to dismount him forcably by breaking the bones of his skeletal warhorse. Mel darts forward to engage the ranas, mounted on large frogs themselves, yelling to the dwarves to keep the previous oaths: protect the bind. Ssech takes her lead and backs her up with a powerful shadow magic, stuff of legend: an illusary dragon. 

Meanwhile, Garulvd seeks payment from Anton for his service, and he is stopped by his homunculus, Ufribri, a floating and talking dagger, who seemingly forgot about the other job the foriegn dwarf still needs to complete for the 5th House . Garulvd relunctantly agrees to follow, ambling slowly to the central keep to reinforce the claim of Anton's house. 

Back in the central keep, Birdman arrives just after Ferrum lays waste to a half dozen dwarves, the ranas are liquified by the intense magic of the dragon breath of Ssech's spell, and Mel fells two ranas, adding them to her null ranks. The 11th House wizards, as well as the orthopteran mages, engage all around, both flinging magic fire about haphazardly. This soon draws the attention of Mel and Ferrum alike, and even Ssech sends his dragon after them, attempting to leave no witnesses. 
One did get away: a orthopteran that turned invisible in the carnage. 
Afterwards, Mel and Ssech reveal themselves to Birdman, and the three confer on what to do next. Mel's paranoia at her newfound gains soon take hold, and she demands from the elf, Birdman, a pledge of loyalty before they move on any further with their business. She also sends to Xantha, the Binder- Lord of the 9th House, information about the successful hold she now has over the 12th House's Bind. 
Birdman informs Mel that her secretive gains as a Binder Lord will not look well to the other Houses, and even the deaths of the Ranas and others will come back with other dire consequences from the other Binder Lords. Ssech and Mel do not want to worry too much about that, and they need more allies and contacts to grow their strength and influence with the new 12th House leadership and approach. 
They eventually leave for Mel's secret lair, which Birdman is more than excited about. 
Meanwhile, Garulvd has made his way to the 5th House Bind, and he finds it surrounded by members of the 2nd House, Claam from the 5th House (a dragonborn catalyst and alchemist loyalist to Anton and the 5th House), and two bats flying about. He interrogates Claam, his contact her from Anton and his companion Ufribri, and Claam claims that the 9th House attacked and the 2nd House helped to defend him, and that they should head back to Anton to inform him of these changes. The dwarf agrees, and as he walks back, he remembers a different dragonborn from past interactions, and he at first thinks this means that Claam is just exhausted from his fight: yet, this dragonborn spent time with dwarves from the north, the city of Droln, the dragon, far to the north east, and even trained under the Catalysts of Claddenrow... these interractions to not at first add up to Garulvd, but he wants to get paid, so he travels with the dragonborn back to Anton to inform him. At first the dragonborn wishes to speak to Anton separately, but the dwarf dissagrees, for Garulvd wants to hear the dragonborns words spoked for himself. 
Anton thanks them both when they enter, and he offers Garulvd picks from his stash: a potion of frost giant strength, invulnerabilty, and a poison that the dwarf palms after hearing a strange story from Claam. Claam says the 9th House was there, but where were they? He thinks they avoid the subject of the dark mages of the 9th House for they are here now. He slams the poison on the back and neck of the Claam, and he freezes, paralyzed. 
Of course Anton reacts with confusion and anger, but his inner curiosity begs to know more, so he investigates, and he finds magic markings hidden behind the dragonborn's eyes, symbols hinting to some dark and ancient magic. He does not want to believe Garulvd, but he does nonetheless. THe dwarf uses this as an opportunity to make another deal with Anton, having the gnomish alchemist and binder-lord use his resources to find magical tattoo artists and tinctures for the dwarf's magical prowress and ascension.
Report Date
09 Sep 2023
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Seth Love


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