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Session 45: NEW face; "You gave me weed; you'll never die on my watch": Animaesus and Tarrasques

General Summary

A fortnight passes, and in that week of Barur, from the 11th to the new month, the first of Ghost's Memory, The Mores of City Salt find themselves training and distracted by the ebb and flow of the houses influence over the city, and the city's prowess itself. Since the attempted coup by the 2nd, 9th, and maybe even 11th House, the city has been sizzling with anger and fervor change, that is only increased by rumors of a male and female shadow near the tarrasque's form, tales of giant wolves rising now because of the blood moon, and more monstrous children of the city's beast rising from below.
The First House is especially on edge, and their need to send more packs about to both investigate and loiter with confidence in the city only causes more houses to respond in kind, and soon about nine of the thirteen have their own militia and guard to patrol the city, complicating matters of fluid information to that of the most taut rope.
Ferrum spends his time in and, mostly, out of the city, familiarizing himself more with the terrain, flora, and fauna of the surrounding lands. He gains much knowledge to record for future generations.
Faurwiin of House Niboné begins his investigation for his Lord and Patron, Orcafor the 11th House Archmage of the City of Salt, Binder-Lord of the 11th Word of Power. He finds that the 9th House is investigating more details, seemingly those from creatures felled many days back, and caves near the Charnel Sluice Gates, those that spew out the daily oozes and bloods of the beast. They are looking for something specific, someone (Mealladh Apéthanta).
Garulvd takes odd jobs for Anton, which he soon learns are jobs to honor the gnome's only vindication of their actions; the dwarf mercenary slays a dozen or so ranas from the 2nd House , and he finds out that the coup was not the order of the binder lord, Quinnay, buy rather his cousin, Platutu, it seems, or well a title he learns later for the Voice/Whispers of the Ranas people within the city. However, his knowledge, at the price of Ranas thugs of the 2nd House, does soon have a retaliation, and the 2nd House not having a better means to protect their seal around the tarrasque from other usurpers after how Garuvld decimated their attacking the attacking forces but a few days before, as the city finds three large, watery eggs, severed from their source and left to hatch, the tarraques tongue continuously lolling out towards them.
Ssech spends his time garnering and swaying more contacts from the 10th House to support Mel's new claims over the 12th House. He has gain seven new contacts, for various resources, thus starting to shift about five to seven percent of the 10th House profits and claims to that of Ssech and Mel's new 12th House Association.
Killian takes time to really understand the situation he is in, and he finds rumors to support the shadows of the beast, a male and female form seen at odd and also significant times during these last few weeks, times when the bond to the tarrasque was at its weakest. He is able to keep his connection with Birdman during this time, and they work together to see how these descriptions of the shadows are nothing more than reinterrpretations Mel and Ssech, people Birdman knows well as his time both as an attornery and as one of the citizens there to witness the true events that have brought the city to these new predicaments.
Birdman during this time shares two letters, under a pseudonym, J.Guillesband. The city is rocked with this new insight, with words to say and answer so many qualms and heartfelt needs for the City of Salt's citizens to survive, thrive, and be happy.
"To the people that inhabit this City of Salt, I will be plain. We live in harsh times.Threats of endless destruction hang careless of consequence and we mere puppets upon its stage. And as the stage is set we are carefully positioned opposite to this consequence in the acts to come. We are reminded day and night that though we are not born to bare this consequence the actions around us strengthen the very notion of its body. Fear is not a consequence, nor should it be used to control in the eyes of those that will it upon others. What is fear? Fear by definition is an emotion that appears in response to threat. A threat by definition is an object or person that may inflict a sense of danger or harm. A threat is something that exists, sometimes looms or creeps. In this case sleeps atop; nay amid this very city. A creature of power that strikes an emotion within us that shakes us to the core of our existence. We know it well so again I ask. What is fear? I believe it’s similar to a hope. A hope that one day we rise to meet this mediocre metropolis. Rise and witness our fears banished. Caring little of the monster within, feeding upon its fear. The days smell sour and every moment is bleary, but we strive. The air is acrid and the rain is piercing, but we strive. The tools are shoddy and the pay is degrading, but we strive. In this fear we live in there is no escaping. But fear is a tool and it is shoddy. We do not fear this beast, as it sleeps. And so we remain bound to keep it so. Together we strive.What is fear. Fear is accepting the notion that we may see the end. Fear is the emotion that sullies our days and nights. Fear is the thought of a son not returning home. Fear is the thought of a building reduced to rubble. Fear is the thought of a game where no players are victorious. Fear is a plague in this place where blood stains every carpet. Fear is Death in this City of Salt. As long as it stands, we will live. -J.Guillesband"

"Part 2: Reformation To the people that inhabit this City of Salt, I impose a reminder. A reminder that violence is, and always will be, the proverbial monkey wrench within the cogs of change. Often times we find that violence is the quickest solution to conflict. And so often we forget the implications of an aftermath unthought of. I encourage ye of little faith to leave these pursuits to those that wish to undermine themselves. For meaningless bloodshed will not sate the thirst of salted mouths. There is an old saying that at the end of every dark tunnel there appears a light. This is not true. In reality it is the nature of darkness to become one with itself, ever feeding with no end in sight. Of the inverse light is meant to repel, if even, react to darkness. To shine bright and indefinite in attempts to guide the way. And so it is with heavy hand and heart that I inquire. What do you choose? The time is now to usher forward into an era of political correctness that finds itself a top contender against corruption and the views of the reckless. Too long have we awaited anxiously in the confines of the dark. Too little have we basked in the warmth of the light within us. We fall prey to our oppressors shackled at the foot of a sleeping giant. But this giant is not our concern, only those who exploit its suffering and hold it above the rest of us. Too long have we watched from the stands while these Chosen 13 address their affairs from the shadows. And so I address my affairs in kind. I will not stand idly by whilst these individuals vie for power against these peoples. And I will not rest until these peoples are made aware that their power lies in their common connection. Not until they are reminded that a chain is only as strong as it weakest link. A house only as sturdy as its softest brick. To any person that stands opposed to the reformation of this our City of Salt, prepare to be the first flat stone skipped across the lake of change. -J.Guillesband"
  During this tendays, at some point, each were informed of the formal moot to be held by the five key houses at play in these current ventures: The 8th House, 9th House, 10th House, 11th House, and 5th House. They will meet at the Black-Well Tavern of the 10th House District, and they announce this meeting, that of five key house openly and formally--something that is rarely ever done in this city of salt and sins. Each group plans to attend, even Mel in seeming self exile, sleeping for most of this time.
During this meeting, they notice Orcafor has brought another pair of eyes with him, and his loyalist seems to be still very much a foriegner in a strange land, this Faurwiin of House Niboné . He seems keen on Thelas' education and guidance as well as circumventing any catastrophic ends to the City of Salt. Nonetheless, the gnomish Archmage begins by acknowledging the successes of late, the thwarting of the coup lead by the 2nd House culprits, but he also warns of the shifts of the 12th House, and the disappearance of others, Mel, who were there.
His cousin, leader of the 5th House Anton, also confirms these worries, but he asks for a hard fist to rise against that of the 2nd House who tried to lay claim to his seal, and even he attempts to bring Xantha, binder-lord of the 9th Seal, to lay blame for his own involvement, that of his members of his house, assisting the 2nd House in their attempt on another's seal. This is something that has never been done, but the 12th House has allowed such movements when they established their claims almost thirteen years ago.
The beginning of this meeting is marked with howls, as per normal in some ways from the City of Salt, but today, these howls convey messages of tactics and movement, and a baying and a quarry to be hunted, and Killian is able to discern, others soon thereafter, that the 2nd House Ranas are being cornered in their market district. The Five Lords here seem uneffected by such noise and continue on with their meeting, but Garulvd and Killian run out to respond, one to aid his kin and another to find the true culprit of the coup against the 5th House just days before.
After ten minutes or so through the chaotic and gregarious streets of the City of Salt, the duo wolves, one born and then remade, another harnessed and then crafted into a tool, find the Ranas of the 2nd House about to face off against the Lupin of the 1st House, after seemingly being chased into these undesirable positions. Garuvld charges in to engage, to ask gruffly and as nicely as he can muster, where Quinnay is, the Binder Lord, for only he knows where the other culprit is; and well, Killian is able to discern from lingering howls that the group searches for a noble Ranas, and he soon pinpoints the noble, grabs him, enlarges with his giant, ancestral powers, and asks of peaces; Garulvd has engaged with one of the protectors of the 2nd Binder-Lord, Quinnay, and he faces off with them, as two guards take out other lupin, and witnesses run away. One lupin gives chase to one witness, and he is soon thereafter reprimanded for his choice. Thankfully, these lupin know of Killian's adopted rank within the 1st House packs, but they are still not happy with this decisions to take Quinnay away, to allow Garulvd to interrogate and learn that a Platutu is seen in many taverns, and he will be found in time. Garuvld begins to follow after this ranas bard's trail.
Back in the Moot of the Five Lords, Vear, Lord of the 8th House, now argues for a trial for the loss of his own sage, Alucard, who went with Mel under the leadership of the other Lords, but this was first staged by Pio. He asks for others to search for her, to find and brign Mel to justice, for she murdered the elf outside the steps of 11th House, and who knows what she has done to his body.
Mel has been waiting this whole time as dark mist within the shadows and rafters of the Black-Well Tavern; she was listening to these public conspiracies with glee, and she cannot help but reveal herself when summoned. And she warns them: join me; join me or face death. My future is your future. She then leaves in the same mist.
Xantha finally steps forward and he is forced to publically renounce the actions of his follower Mel so that Vear of the 8th House can indeed send her to trial in the Stagecourts of the City of Salt. The others wrap up the meeting after this, and another howl is released; this is the one and only Lord of the First House, taking his right as Lord and Lead, as Police and Protectorate of the City, and he calls the moot of the 13. This has not been done in 13 years, not since the last time the Tarrasque shook from power hungry citizens vying for its power and dominion.
Killian takes the Ranas back to the meeting with the others, and he finds that two of the five lords have left, leaving Orcafor, Vear, and Pio. He finds that Vear has laid a claim for a new search and waits for those willing, if not then, he himself and his own followers will go to find her after this invasion into their meeting, a show of force, and an ask for a bended knee to her cause, and her cause alone. Birdman and Killian now reconvene upstairs, and finding out that the 1st House just tried to kidknap and or murder the 2nd House Binder Lord, they decide that they need to play it safe, and they need to get to this meeting to ensure that the other houses know of what comes next. Birdman does stay upstairs, and he and Mel, once she materializes from the dust beneath him, they discuss Birdman's loyalty to the 12th House, to Mel. He does not waver.
Garuvld has gone to search for this strange Ranas, and at first he hears only whispers, and nothing more, a rumor of some personage known by the Ranas of the City of Salt, this Platutu, as some sort of hero or ghost for the common folk. However, thinking this character indeed enjoys entainment, the dwarf warrior, servant of the 5th House, finds his way to the 13th House brothel, that of the Binder-Lord, Rexaney, and with the aid of another bard, he finds that Platutu is indeed a title, not so much a name. The dwarf also arranges, with a trade of 100 gold, to have Rexaney lure the Platutu back to the tavern, and to find a means to have Garulvd interrogate the sly Ranas.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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