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Session 49: Propaganda of a Ranas' Life and the Shadow of the Beast

General Summary

Birdman has heard of the announcements of the new Lord of the 12th House, and he responds with his pseudonym, Guillesbrand: 

"To the people that inhabit this City of Salt, I invite you to have a seat at the table. The table whereby we cut meat betwixt back-alley henchmen and scholarly gentlefolk. Let this intrepid author be the first to pass congratulations to the newest mystery member of this City’s Band of Very Un-Merry Misfits. Let us welcome this Mealladh Apathanta that in the implied absence, or rather, unexpected toppling of the previous 12th House, the former has shown its ghastly visage. Here’s to you, oh bringer of salvation, so you say. Though a scoff could not serve the justice of a brash poets words held back, I will bite. So as celebration for a victory well managed(however meager), my tongue will be held for now. In hopes that the goblets and golden plates of your cast and crew are never as empty as your promises. And to the peoples who may find themselves in times of weakness and turmoil, do not allow the door to hit you in the way out. But I digress.   And in doing so let me once again candidly address the remainder of your ensemble… Your recent liquidation, dare I say, reintegration of previously aforementioned 12th House has proven I’ll gotten. Allowing yourselves to once again know the texture and taste of another egg on your faces. As I have previously stated you all have thanks to give to your new ally. But be weary for word travels fast in taverns that provide shelter from a dark alleyway. And as you may or may not know, words are mightier than the blade. -J. Guillesband"

This is three days later after the events below.

Killian joins his Father, Hybearn, Lord of the First House, at the Elven Swam, the swanky establisment, with multiple buildings, designed to entertain and appease the highest ranking members of the city, and any guests they would like to bring. 
The tension is palpable as the half giant, half lupin enters the room, and as he walks past dozens of other lupin, up the steps to the back, where his father sits with is entourage. Hybearn welcomes his son to the table once he hearst that Killian wants to speak. The young pup, born also of cloud giant blood, speaks of fairness and poor choices, of Quinnay of the Second House and how the attack of the lupin was poorly judged on the Ranas Lord's life. Nevertheless, Hybearn retorts, and says strength is needed, but he leads all his compatriots away, to talk to his son alone, all but one. By the wayward glances and sighs, Killian soon discerns that his father is worried of Karris' location, and rightly figures by his steamtech gear, taht this lupin is a compatriot and enforcer of the 5th House, of Anton. 
By convincing his father to first join and protect Quinnay of the Second House, he also showed him the wolves should not bow to the will of the City's lords. They must stand as one pack, one people, across these great lands as they always have done. Thus, the Lord instigates with his son a capture of this watcher of the 5th House, Karris one of the many wayward Lupin that the Lord of the First House has had to deal with of late. By growing in size, and thwarting the spy, he overwhelms the creature in surprise, and Killian and his father are able to stablize him, and thwart other attackers, my a show of intimidation and strength. 
After this, Killian leaves his father to plan the next defenses of the city, having presumably lost 20 percent or more of his people's favor by these actions; Hybearn is resolute and happy nonetheless to find he and his son on the same page. 

Earlier that day, Faurwiin goes to his chambers in the 11th House tower, and he arranges with Orcafor to study and understand more about Alucard, and his odd spell called Soul Cage. This is the spell he used to capture the Matron Mother of the 12th House, the one that allwoed for Mel to gain control as the new Binder Lord of the 12th Word. At this meeting he finds that Pio has joined, the presumed Lord of the 10th House, and a Vulpin, or foxkin, entourage. They are here to bear witness to this awesome power. What they do not know is that Faurwiin has already been able to discern the proper components to understand the spell, and he simply just wants to know more about Alucard's connections and intentions as another high elf. 

Garuvld has already been on his way to his Lord's abode, Antone the Glyphmaker, lord of the 5th House, but he does not realize he is being followed by the celestial warforged, he who also seeks the Platutu, the Ranas the dwarf already has restrained, the one he takes to Anton. Ferrum transforms himself, and disguised as a lab assistant of the 5th House, he follows after Garuvld, down below to the main laboratory of Anton. They find him with his assistant Merrin and his enforcer Claam. They congratulate the dwarf, and they get ready attack and retake the 5th Seal that was taken from them by The Platutu's compatriots. 
However, as they leave, Ferrum is able to sneak in and hoist The Platutu away, to destroy him once and for good for his treachery and for the Aims and Blame of the 11th House claims. He sneaks away, almost, but at the last second, Garulvd seems him leave behind him, from the 5th House, somewhere Ferrum is never likely to be found. Carrying something. Thus, the dwarf drinks his potion of flying, and he goes after the warforged, only at the last moment seeing that he indeedis carrying The Platutu. Enraged, the dwarf charges at the contruct, and the warforged returns the fists of frost and lighting with a celestial blade endowed with the primordial radiance of the ancient gods. Garuvld takes far too many swings, and if it weren't for the insight of Platutu and the aid of Iniule, the hill dwarf druid who works for Antone, Garulvd would have died. Instead, he was able to overwhelm Ferrum with his fists of lightning by this point and take the thief down. However, the platutu is able to break away from his bonds, and he is able cast invisiblity and run away. Ferrum falls, and Garuvld rips his body asunder, leaving his magic items at the foot of the 11th House Tower. Garuvld then gives chase to the Platutu, and he and the other druidic dwarf agree he must be heading to the Seal at the center of the city. 

Later that night, Ssech awakes from a day of rest, a day of destroying a future hope for city, as he aids in the dismantling of the mighty ballistae of the houses, but today, the headache is still there, the urgency of that destruction is still there, so he goes to the tarrasqu, invisible at first, and he comes to the left eye that opened before, now shut; he places his hand on the orb, the eyelid, and he closes his eyes. He notices that the presence, the headache in his mind, is the slow, intense heartbeat of the beast. He asks: why was I awoken out of the coffin? A bird is seen digging him up. Ssech focuses his thoughts, and the bird is shadow, and what casts the shadow is a figure, a bipedal creature, legs bent backwards, and horns above its head like a wreath. The bird digs him out, and bring shim alive. 
Who was I before? Malacious and powerful, a drow mage how lead the victories and conquering the the tarrasque three centuries ago, one who fought the great heros, Leveey the Light of Om, Darvin the Mace of the Animaesus... He fought them, and the slew him, and now another deity begs for his return, a bind of the thirteen, not just one of many, but the shadow of the beast that holds them all together. 
How do I remember? In the mouth and down the throat, dig up in to the brain, and drink from the spine. Ssech does, and when the liquid hits his throat, it makes him freeze and seize, and his magic overwhemed the bone, and the fluid pours on him like rain, and drowns him, presumably. He emerges three hours later.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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