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Session 51: A Belch of the Beast: Animaesus and Tarrasques

General Summary

Near the back right hip of the beast, Garuvld is being torn apart by two froghemoths, and then they fight and bite and tear is remaining body before they consume it. Reinforcements from the fifth house arrive just after he falls, and they engage with the remaining monstrosities and the Ranas druids controlling them. Clam, who assisted Garuvld before, is also here.

Killian and Birdman are still at the Herald's Tavern, and Birdman wants to get drunk. Killian sees coming to the door, that which is locked by Greendaar, the tavern master (with the warnings of the awakening of the tarrasque, Greendaar will not allow his tarvern to become a refuge for the masses), he sees Leandra running from Jim and other guards. She convinces Greendaar to let her in by promising a cut of something grand, and then Killian sees Jim and the guards, and they speak without speaking through the glass; Killian can make sure he gets back what she took. Goodness, what did she take, indeed: The Moon Crystals, those sacred stones of the 50 Pack Lords, those which mark the authority and vigil of each chieftain's reign as Pack Lord, as the alpha. She took one of these priceless artifacts, ages older than this young pumthera, a time she could hardly fathom. Nevertheless, Birdman and Killian are able to convince Leandra to give the stone back before Jim and the others create a much more prominent scene. Even with the warnings and yells about the tarrasque awakening, this stone should not be taken advantage of, not fo the Lupin people.

Killian decides for them that they are going to go to the center of the city, to see if they can assist with this awakening, assist the people affected by it most keenly. Killian tosses Birdman over his shoulders, and riding like a mount, but on Killian's shoulders, the elf and the halfbreed make their way to the central keep, to where the Tarrasque is presumable away.

Meanwhile, Mealladh Apéthanta leads her new militia on a parade through the city, until the see the overspill through the Throat of the city streets.

After projecting their forms to the underbelly of the city, the two wizards, Faurwiin of House Niboné and Venator Tenebris of House Bellator confer over the actions needed to be taken against the 9th House, but with the warnings from the central part of the City, they must engage in order to understand how these movments will affect their plans for the City of Salt.

Thus with conjuring a teleportation circle, they go to Lord and Lady's Pagoda of the City of Salt, Central Keep and they view the chaos around the Beast's central keep. They see the 5th House reclaiming their seal, where Garuvld had fallen. They see the remaining muck ooze out of the maw of the beast, and they move in--hasted magic is cast on Venator by Faurwiin, and the darker elf sprints into action, attacking the remaining froghemoths, and soon even engaging with the reinforcements from the 5th House. Meanwhile Faurwiin returns to the tower, after procuring some sand to return to the 11th Seal later on, and he tries to find Orcafor but to no success. Thus, he goes to the scrying rooms, after sending some odd magical messages to Orcafor's abjurer Squeur. He finds Squeur and presumably Orcafor invisible, for he only sees an open space, and they are watching intently as Anton and his crew attempt to attack and take the 2nd House Seal.
Killian goes to engage with this as he arrives with Birdman, and Birdman attempts to assist Meat Masher and Jager with the shadow they all saw just right in front of the maw of the beast.
Birdman eventually climbs up the face of the beast, and he believes he has located this shadowy culprit. He is warned of snot leeches.

Amu we finally meet the cousin, brother of Piorvani, Binder-Lord of the 10th House: Drunken Master who arrives from the base of the ancient tree that serves as the foundation for the tower of the 10th House Lord. He has come out of the concern for his brother and for the changes that have occured in the swamp outside the city. The Tarrasque has gone to far, too many creatures are mutated and lost. Pio was about to send his own crew to the central keep to investitage, so instead he sends Amu.

A giant bird flies over head.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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