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Session 62: Animaesus and Tarrasques: Our Emotional Support Terrorist

General Summary

We begin midday, outside and on the streets of the southern parts of the City of Salt. He has, with the aid of Master Faurwiin, located Oatom, a foxkin rogue allied with the 10th House, but he also was present in the dungeons of the 11th House when the two elven Syth were able to take down Orcafor and transfer the Word of Power to new hands: theirs. He attacks, and gives three quick strikes, with one imbued with a booming blade cantrip, and when Oatom runes, he explodes in thunder and falls to the ground. 
We switch to Faurwiin, who has begun to meditate in a strange cylindrical room, with ancient vines climbing eight plus feet walls, groping the ceilings, and then falling back down to form nets and other natural loops and traps for those to practice with--a flying chamber for other mages to seek mastery over transmutation spells and other effects that allow flight. In this time he concentrates on his telekinetic abilities as well, making him self float up and down slowly between and below the vines. During this concentration, he attempts a divine ritual, and he finds an unexpected but perhaps welcoming connection with one of the primordial deities, Jacq and perhaps even a vestige of his sister Vu. He asks these beings pertinent questions to his cause and goals. Firstly: "Do all 13 celestial binds in the city need to be undone for the Tarrasque to awake?"   "No," the vines say as if the god and they were one. 
Killian has travelled to his father's home, the tower of the First District, and he seeks to debrief and convene with the Binder Lord and Wolf Alpha to the pack of lupin, or wolfkin, who preside over most of the policing of this potent city. The Den of the 1st House Lord and Alpha is under the the tower. These tunnels are modified structures of the ancient Testudine people who had molded much of the earth beneath the Beastcrown and much of the city proper. Yet, these were walls curved in the hovels and arcs of the moon and crescent, but they were also born before the rise of the dwarven allies in these lands, before the great beast slept so near. 
They talk of the coming storm, and how the 11th House makes moves against all structures of the city, and how the Stagecourts will drag Killian into the mess of the current presumptions and choices of the Binderlords. He will be witness at least, but his culpability and relations to the recent coup upon the seals themselves deserve justice behind them. Hybearn would like his son with him as they go to the trial. However, he has also been asked to send more guards as well, so protecting their house and seal, and having them ready for an impending attack--his forces are stretched thin. Nevertheless, Hybearn gives his son the letter, and he knows and states that the Stagecourts demand this of him for his office, and he will support whatever decision Killian makes. 

Ssech sits, disguised as young orc boy, at coffee house near the mid part of the Throat of the City. He watches and ponders the structues he must destroy to free the beast, the binderlords that need to die to bring more structure and form to the change that the nature of Barur needs. And in this pondering, he prays to Jacq, and he hears an echo back, and through his minds eye, he sees, like through a mirror, not his own visage, but that of Faurwiin communing with the divine. Ssech's blue eyes burn like fire, and Faurwiin knows he is being watched.
Birdman has made his way to the Macinifex Temple, where the Lynxin, Lutrin, and other kin worship the great black spot, the anus as true power of the primordial earthkin known as the tarrasque. He is recognized, Birdman is, by many, despite them also gathering around some strange squamata creature, something they celebrate in their local Sylvan and Animaesus dialects. Nevertheless, Macinifex himself, a lynxin druid of an odd nature, comes over to Birdman, and the cat folk scurries the odd wood elf named Birdman to a hovel at the base of one their ancient towers, structures from times before the Tarrasque. As a binder lord, he is concerned of the rumors and summons by the stagecourts. Birdman is on trial and at question, and he thinks the elf should be hiding. Birdman is not afraid, and he comes to find support and understanding, hope, for some sort of future with the City of Salt. 
However, he does not get far in the discussion at first, not really until he mentions that he drank an odd liquid from the Tarrasque after its great belch days beforehand. That belch layed fluid and viscera of various kinds and viscosities, and others were able to gather different kinds. Apparaently Birdman was able to procure one that is of the purest quality. This leaves the lynxin licking their lips, lapping up ideas of connections to the Greatness of the Earth, the beast of the dirt and mountain and land structures too. They ask for some, but he does not give it, but they also now see him as a means of their own as one who has been blessed specifically by the bygone beast, the tarrasques will and the will of the earth, of the Lands of Barur. The beast is a symbol of that intimate connection. Macinifex even goes so far to make sure he is on the jury for the trial of Birdman. 

Amu goes to the 10th House, the Squarmy's, and he finds Pio, the Binderlord, and drunken putori, surrounded by other putori vying and arguing for the right to be his voice and hand in the coming trial. They are so angry and so wrapped up into it, he is able to sneak over to Amu by the door and share a drink with him; Amu adds some of the special beans he took from Mel's apartment to the ale as Pio dives his whole head in and out of the mug as they discuss the trial, the need for their involvement and how Pio cannot find Oatom, who knows and as seen movements of the courts. Off-handedly, Pio mentions the destruction of the stagecourts to avoid this, and very drunk, a loose plan of sending messengers to get his putori out of the basement cells and offices of the stagecourt, for they underlings prepare for the next day a guards and ushers for the proceedings. 

Tenebris is able to move past the fallen foxkin, and he, still invisible and disguised as pumthera for good measure, tears through with magical blade and the destructive essence of the wind to remove over a dozen witnesses from the tavern nearby, those running out to respond to the initial death of the outside guards, a melin and halfling defender for some key figure inside the tavern. There are not witnesses, and as he takes from them items for his own payment, it is unclear if others see him before he teleports back to join Faurwiin at the 11th House Tower. 

Faurwiin finishes asking his key questions to the divine visages: 
-Do any of the Borqsland Jourvians solely possess the knowledge that destroys the Tarrasque from our realm? Not just them.  -Are the Jourvians the only beings amongst the Borqsland Dwarven faction that are able to destroy the Tarrasque? No, there are others like you.    -Is the proclaimed son of the High Elf Alucard Silvertongue still alive? 

He never died.    -Is the proclaimed partner of the High Elf Alucard Silvertongue, Alexander Stormwind, within the lands of the Animaesus? Yes. 

  Ssech goes to find Birdman, and he is able to locate the Woodelf as he leaves the Temple near the ass end of the tarrasque, but outside the main walls, where the giant gate fell (where Birdman with Eros at the helm birthed K'ash until the material world--they all as drow or disguised as drow). They find a alley for some privacy, and they speak of wellbeing, and goals, and how Birdman would lile assistance to meet with Xantha, Binderlord of the 9th House. Birdman eventually shares that he has pure spinal fluid, one he has tried for drug experimenting and mental health reasons, and Ssech would like some of his own. They both drink, well, Birdman somewhat out of peer pressure, and they both feel an intoxication through them. To Birdman it is akin to a lethal poison, but to Ssech it seems more like a boon. Nevertheless, it seems to be some temporary disease-like curse, one that gives them a boon to constitution, but also, for Ssech extra senses, and for Birdman, a means to regenerate his health in a dire situation. 

Following Amu at about the same time, we find him on the way to the Stagecourts after his meeting with Pio, and he climbs the walls of the buildings about one hundred feet from the alleyway center, the entrance that makes up the Stagecourts proper. He then calls about his intense connections to the aspect of stone and earth, to the rocks and mountains of Barur, and he causes an earthquake to shudder and crash, the bang and break the foundations of the Stagecourt alley way and connecting buildings. With the Tunnels of the Testudine beneath, the ancient structures were even further compromised, and the foundations gave way but in moments. Many innocents seemed to have found safety, but many more are trapped beneath. The musteli druid then skitters off, letting the city reel from its prideful, pious focus on law when so much turmoil and murder, slavery and blood-filled actions run rampant in the City of Salt. 

Killian runs to assist and save as many as he cane. 

Faurwiin comes eventually too, levitating rocks and other rubble of the buildings, but only after he engages with Tenebris in some telepathic discussion. Tenebris goes to find scales, if he can, of the squamata they faced, a divine prisoner from Orcafor's dungeons. He cannot find any. 
Birdman comes to the rubble as well, and he falls to his knees, distraught and overwhelmed with the loss of his City and purpose. 

Ssech teleports away, to the Ballistae of the Beast, and he is able to destroy 5 with his magic, one toppling to the southern wall within moments of the earthquake, further rippling fear into the denizens of the City of Salt. 

Outside the rubble, Tenebris teleports again to discuss with Master Faurwiin of the 11th Hosue, and having elimated the target, Oatom of the 10th House, and the thirteen witnesses nearby, even the lowly melon merchant, Faurwiin warns the shadow elf of his repeated moves. Do not predictable, and use caution. We do not want to have false claims reach the binder lords, for with the fall of the stagecourts, more weight comes to their decisions and actions. The elven duo discuss staying in the city, and how Faurwiin believes there are moves still to make to turn this into a asset for the ascension back home, in the continents of their forebears.

Rewards Granted

Ssech: Boon of blindsight, +10 ft, until temp HP is gone 
Birdman: Boon of regeneration: As a bonus action or reaction, you can activate your muta-tion to regain 5 hit points at the start of your turn for 10 con-secutive rounds. You must have at least 1 hit point to acti-vate this feature
Tenebris: +2 short sword, and +2 short bow; lethal poison; mage spell book, some gold.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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