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Session 63: Animaesus and Tarrasques: Actions before and after The Earthquake

General Summary

We flash back, to the evening of the 5th of Ghost's Memory, where Mel finds Ssech at their old coffee shop. What are you doing? he asks the vampire lord, and Mel responds with her explanation of her strange dealings of late. She wants to know what Ssech searches for, and she finds he wants what others do to: power. Soon, he also sees Mel has a small vampire kitten in her pocket, ready to greet she shadow mage. What will come of the trial? Ssech wonders, but soon Mel contacts Birdman with magical words.
The go to meet him with her carriage, Ssech and Mel, and on the way Ssech reveals his knowledge of the spinal fluid that has been expelled from the tarrasque. He knows of this occurence, and he convinces Mel that this is all he knows of it, but that he would like more to research. He has learned that Mel's house has gained access to a significant quantity, and he would like access to it to help his research. They also discuss the significance, if any, to the name and rule of binderlord. yes, they control the sleep of the beast, but why does that assert dominance over the city? It shouldn't, she surmises.
It is here that Birdman and Ssech gain their mutations from the great Tarrasque beast.
Mel drops off Ssech to his own devices, and Birdman too. Birdman impressed the Macinifex worshippers of the 7th House, and Ssech begins his wrath of destruction on the ballista designed to keep the beast down should it ever rise up.
Mel makes her way to Faurwiin's tower of the 11th House. She is greeted at the main gates by the lynxin guard Bora, and the tower even makes sure Faurwiin knows of the arrival, making the closest wall to his office ripple into a viewing screen. He calls for his new minions, Amras and Amrod, elven mages created from matter and rock of hte 11th House Tower. Young and naive, but powerful and insightful to the arcane, they meet Faurwiin below to greet Mel, and her guards, of the 12th House. After an awkard, stealthy, and almost threating toward Faurwiin's young kin, that almost lead to fight between the 11th and 12th House, Faurwiin invites Mel in for food, and they continue their conversation telepathically with the aid of Faurwiin's odd Syth magic. Faurwiin admonishes the odd vampire for her odd means of protocol, in for his invite into his own home, but they need to talk of more means. Mel brings two guards with her, to oppose the duo of magical kin with Faurwiin.
Once sitting down, they dicuss the actions of their other compatriots, and much of Ssech's odd actions towards Mel, and how as her Second of the newly formed 12th House, he should have is actions more in the light for Mel to see. But, chiefly, Mel gets to how she wants to solidify the alliance between their two houses, for the actions of the court and trial will need such connections.
They agree for the most part, and they talk more over dinner.
The ballista, her own of the 12th House, that which has never been broken is in need of desperate repairs from the dwarves to the north. Mel is wonder of sabotage. They also discuss about who and why would someone want to awaken the tarrasque in the first place.
They also discuss the differences in Mel's immortality as a vampire versus the magical longevity of the the elven blood within Faurwiin. They need more people to follow them, they both have seen, from the history of this land and others; more people will help ensure ideas and actions spread as they should.
Faurwiin asks Mel if she ever really wanted the title and responsibilty of being a Binder Lord, and she says now, but this is where she is. She never really wanted any of it, but the City needs help, and maybe she can be that aid. They were those of what will happen if the Tarrasque passes, but there are other places that exist that do not have this terror always at their back. This reminds Mel of her discussion with Ssech, and she explains the spinal fluid experimentation idea from Ssech, and she wonders how candid Ssech actually was. Faurwiin says to ask him whether or not he will destroy the beast, and by that, she will know the answer. He also wonders if Mel is ready to act when she needs to.
Faurwiin also warns Mel about how the 9th House has taken former underground tunnels and rooms for their own, those that were a 12th House possession. He will help get the tunnels back for her, and she agrees.
He warns Mel also of the Jourvian Dwarves from Borqsland, and they talk about how this threat looms over them, and how if they tarrasque wakes up during this, many thousands will die.
Faurwiin wishes for Mel's help in return, for he wants her to help him find the three Binderlords who will not show loyalty to him.

Lord Tenebris looks into the prisoners from the night he and Faurwiin fought and killed Orcafor, and he finds that the connections to the 3rd, 9th, and even 7th House might be of aid to him; but also that of the 6th house, who had their heir kidknapped by Orcafor. He follows one of these leads to the Shrine of the Macinifex followers, those who worship the Great Black Dot. He engages with the 7th House, still disguised as a pumthera.

Amu goes back to the 10th House, to Pio's favorite bar Squarmy's and 40 other putori are their too. He is greeted with mixed feelings, and he finds Pio in awe at what he has done. The Earthquake of the Stagecourts has indeed solved some of the issues, but Pio worries if others will follow. They do, and an Aves knocks on the door. Once it sees Pio, and the slew of mustelin, it launches a fireball into Squarmy's Tavern. Amu prepares for battle. 

Faurwiin, Mel, Killian, and Birdman make their way under the rubble.

The Paladin Tenebris is really looking for arrives to face him as well. Yet, there are many more coming outside to see the commotion of the earthquake, to see this pumthera. 

Birdman finds structural clues to help aid in the fall of the Stagecourts.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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