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Session 70: Prismatic Ambush: Animaesus and Tarrasques

General Summary

They begin, late in the dark, a gathering of assassins: four lapid--hired by High King, Queen Swifthistle , Stryke with his apprentice Donavan, Nuvell Shallowbutter, Sayrulion, Horgernoth, and S'arrek with his demon summon Carrion Carl. They use the dark, and their keen vantage, to discuss, quietly, plans and movements. They know they need to go for the head of the snake, so to speak, and thankfully, three things seem to be laying to their advantage: 1) their Jourvian Dwarves' continual torches seem to not remain alit, at least not more than mere sparkles; 2) the pilots of the dwarves seem to be in a deep sleep, thwarting any immediate response from them; 3) the funeral of a key dwarf still seems to be in session, and a group of the leader dwarves are gathered near a central point because of this funeral.
Thus S'arrek reasons he can use a powerful spell to keep them and these leaders together in this magical circle, a strange prismatic wall, while the assassins go to work.
It takes almost too long for this conversation to happen, before dwarf guards again begin to patrol about the perimeter of their camp. Thus, they move, quietly at first, but then quickly, for Horgernoth engages before them. He fires at an armored dwarf closest to the funeral pyre, and while the others run to engage around him, he takes his other hand, a sword of death tightly gripped, and he slays the first dwarf. Before the others about can react, can do much of anything, S'arrek encircles them in an abjuration, a prismatic force field, and about fifteen or so dwarves face off, most of the the leadership of this forward contingent to attack the Lapids tomorrow, against the strongest fighters of the The Mores of Forest Salt .
The others are quick to draw weapons, but most of the dwarves inside are blinded, and at first, those dwarves outside try to help those within, but fire magic assails them, and another leader calls out for them to retreat and regroup.
This allows for Stryke to take the lead here, and he goes for the dwarf, red bearded, two axes, one in each hand, soft blue half plate armor--this dwarf is in charge, and, while the melin monster drives teeth into neck and arm, and claws into face and between plates of armor, he also brings the dwarf's face into the prismatic magic itself, and the same fire magic ignites him, but this is a resilient halfstar, leaders and warriors of the great Jourvian Army, and he will not yield so easily. Despite it all, he and his dwarves persist for a few moments, before the slashing and poison from lapid assasins, the claws and bites from abyssal vultures and melin beasts, the magic and might from demonkin, drow and others force them to a bloody end. Yet, S'arrek's magical shell proves more resilient in the long run, fending off over one hundred other dwarves, and in those thirty seconds, they overwhelm the dwarve leadership. The final movement to do so, Sayrulion calling upon a the prismatic colors already about, and weaving them with his own eloquence, forcing over a dozen other dwarves to fall or become petrified, or even the one who is now lost to time and space.
One more minute passes afterwards, and they gather three dwarves with them, taking items for plunder, but also a head for S'arrek to consume. He does so later, and finds the dwarves are moving quickly with another group, and more to come in two days time. He informs the Queen of the Lapids before going to bed.

Cover image: by Seth Love


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