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Session 81: The Weebage Knows His Own Piss; Scallywags

General Summary

The Razor's Crew, Captain Thej, Torth, Neroon, Weebs, Jack and Jim, and Seambraj with her guardian Kaln, have been in the Harbor Township of Conf for a few days; this is longer than expected, assuming they would restock, unload and make safe the dragonbron refugees, and make their way back to the Crimson Fleet. However, these extra days--delayed because Feanger had to take care of some 'pests'--have forced Thej and Torth to take more responsibility of the refugees, and the organize these tasks with Lord Oreo, Mugrunden, and Zedaar with his green brothers. They find a suitable captain, but somewhat overpriced. Nonetheless, it is arranged. 

However, when they are beginning the transfer of goods, bedding, and refugees from the Razor to their new ship, they notice a gathering of human warriors, lead by a some odd human mage, and the gathering grows. Soon two pairs break off, one to the dock with the new captain, and the other to Mugrunden leading the other dragonborn aboard. The group new the captain, who is talking with Jack and Jim like old friends, obviously begin the bribe and cajole, coerce even, the captain, to hold their boat, to give them access to their hold, their new shipment: The Dragonborn. Meanwhile, the other group gets pushy with Mugrunden and another one of his metallic friends. They soon grapple the friend, and punch Mugrunden, but Thej and Neroon are nearby, so they react and begin to attack. 

Weebs fishes aboard the font deck of the Razor, and he soon reacts to the incoming mages, but only after Torth, seeing an understanding of the inquisition, he summons a great storm, and mighty lightning bolts to come down and attack these inquisitors. Thej's sister and her guardian Kaln reinforce with their own magics and innate abilities to create storms and false impressions of self and others. The Crew of the Razor soon overwhelm these interlopers, trying to gain more dragnborn blood for their crazed king. Other inquisitors even appear closer to the docks of the refugees, trying to convince and intimdate them into simply staying, going so far as to summon gusts and lightning to move them forcibly. 

Being overwhelmed, seeing the tide turn, the main Inquisitor calls out to a Elremretta, some invisible force to assist them in this take over. She does attack, and she overwhelms Torth and Thej, who leave Neroon and the others to deal with the ruffians hired by these inquisitors. Yet other mages still cast spells, so Jack and Jim gather their courage to face them, and they do eventually overwhelm them. 

Yet the invisible Elremretta still dances about, biting with blade and making some fall asleep. She forces Torth to use some of his most powerful spells to keep her at bay, despite being invisible, with lightning and powerful healing magics. 

It is not really until Weebs gets a jar of his own piss to douse over her invisible form, that allows them to find her, to keep up with her, despite her tremendous bites from sword, hidden under some magical shroud. 

Once Jack and Jim join, they are able to throw a net over her for a brief few moments, and during this time, Thej and Seambraj--after she and Neroon chase down the escaping captain who betrayed them, get some clean hits, and they scare and wound Elremretta. She escapes from the net, and she calls from a horn, and a roar returns. 

She is attacked more, trying to escape, Weebs following the stench of his own piss. Yet, a black drake comes down, and she escapes with it away. More play will be had in the future.

Character(s) interacted with

Jack and Jim, Neroon, Seambraj
Report Date
16 Jun 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location

Cover image: by Seth Love


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