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Session 46: Animaesus and Tarrasques: A Triumvirate of Kar-e-i-y-ns

Civil action

1/14 12:00
1/14 24:00

Killian and Birdman hide Quinnay until the moot; Wolf promises protection from his own House. 
Birdman, Faurwiin and Killian meet, telepathic discussion in Birdman's office at the Court. 
Preparing for the Midnight Moot. 
Learning of Birdman's Kenku Past.

Ferrum searches the Tailstones for Alucard's Clocktower, and finds Thera, a young woman. She only knows the 11th House saw the Elf Mage last. 
MEl and Ssech talk of the new needed reinforcements of the 12th House, her House. 
Garuvld looks for The Platutu who caused the coup. He also finds that the 9th House agents charmed Claam of the 5th House Seal, its protector. 

Ssech: Here. Now. Come. Awaken. Kill. Many. Many. Kill. Open. Find. Destroy. You. Mine. You. Mine. Spirit. Mine. Hand.

Related Location
The City of Salt
Related timelines & articles
History of the Treaty