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Session 50: Purpose, Peace, and the Power to Kill: Animaesus and Tarrasques

Celestial / Cosmic

3/14 4:00
3/14 5:00

The 11th House cleans up Ferrum...

Faurwiin and his apprentice Venator Tenebris of House Bellator begin their plans.

Tenebris goes transform into the drow, along with Faurwiin, and they astral project their minds to the layers beneath the city, of the former 12th house, now being closed off by workers of the 9th House.

Birdman prepares for the legal onslaught, and how he must bring Mel to the courts, and he asks Killian to join him, but Mel is not receptive. Birdman returns to his apartment, and he and Killian hear the horns of the tarrasque awakening. Killian goes to the center of the city.

Garuvld has returned to the lab of Anton in the 5th house, and for his continue failure with The Platutu, Anton rescinds his assistance. Thus Garuvld goes to the center of the city, alone, to defeat the remainder of The Platutu's forces and finally quell this pesky ranas. However, he is overwhelmed by the froghemoths protecting the 2nd House seal, even his own 5th House Seal, and he falls.

Ssech rages at encroaching God-butchers!

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