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Session 32: Animaesus and Tarrasques: Monsters Rise from Bloodmoons

Disaster / Destruction

7/13 12:00
7/13 12:00

The Bloodmoon awakes the Tarrasque!

Duo of Glabrezu assist the Matron Mother
Ferrum assaults, she falls, but Alucard takes her soul into a Cage. 
She gives an anagram to the 12th Word of Power she owns. The group investigates. 
Alucard and others go back home, but he has a young woman, a slave of the drow, and he brings her home for safety and questions later. She knows little. 
Orcafor of the 11th House wants the soul for himself. 

Mel and Ssech need Alucard to also release the soul for the proper ritual to take hold.

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