Once more from the beginning...

General Summary

The story started The Inn of the Yawing Portal where Nemmonis Balasar, Lord Philip Doom, Wherever, Thunder, and Trix accepted a mission from Volo to find his compatriot.   The group did recon and discovered the last time Volo's compatriot was seen is in the docks district near the group's recon revealed the hideout was a front for the Zhentarim. They decided to use the cover of night to search the warehouse. Balasar choose to obtian a cloak Trix went with him and slight of handed a Cloak of Elven Kind. On their way they stopped into Old Xoblob Shop and Wherever purchased a few trinkets of sentimental value, that triggered an trauma response.   Upon entering the the warehouse the party was attacked by a group of Kenku; unable to obtain any useful information form them the party eliminating them. Balasar was unable to cope with this he remained in a haze throughout the rest of the encounter. As the party explored they found Floon; and were attacked by a swarm of rats. After eliminating the rats they heard the city guards enter they choose to jump out a 2nd story window.   Trix called on his patron; and the party awoke in the Feywild without Trix. Confused they were greeted by Reed Wisebelly who explained they were in the Feywild in the Domain of Delight of Court Aripridone. The group was welcomed and a feast was held by Regina who the next day granted them boons. Thunder who spent the night n the library was found to missing in the morning. Grimelda explained the best way to get home was to find rings of passing and said there may be rings in the outskirts.   A few days into their journey the group ran into Manek in his Lycan form who recognized Balasar.
Report Date
22 Dec 2022