Session 4

General Summary

The group (absence Trix) discussed Wherever's finding while she went up stairs to sleep. During which time in an attempt to gain insight into the findings Balasar attempts to speaks to another patron who subltle tries to infrom him that he shoulnd't be discussing that topic near a certain individual. After Balasar failed to take the hint the Patron left a slip on paper with the name "Xanathar" on it and walked way.
After (what the DM feels was far far far to much debate and almost giving up) Trix shows up and they FINALLY. came to the realization the Xanathar and Zhentarim weren't associated! And it was safe to procced.

  Trix when to wake up Wherever, failed a the stealth check and was pressed to a wall by her with a knife to his throat with the threat to "NEVER DO THAT AGAIN".

  After which Wherever rejoined the discussion down stairs helping hatch a plan to infiltrate under the cover of night. Balasar went shopping for a cloak and mask Trix helped and lighted of handed something he thought looked pretty.

Rewards Granted

Everyone received 60 Xp with Wherever gaining an additional 20 Xp


Trix slight of handed a Cloak of Elvenkind which he gave to Balasar cause he thought it was pretty.
Report Date
21 Nov 2021