Fiendish Chariot Vehicle in Bastarre | World Anvil
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Fiendish Chariot

You can imagine the shock the first time we saw them. From a distance, they looked like chariots, but they weren’t being pulled by horses. Disconcerting, but magic can do wonders, so we didn’t spend too much time worrying about it. The general shifted the position of a couple of cavalry units to deal with them and then turned to bark more orders. After all, those chariot drivers weren’t our only opponents.   The screaming of the horses was the first indication that something was wrong, and that was quickly followed up with the screaming of their riders. As we turned back to look toward the chariots, what we saw made our hearts miss a few beats. The front ranks of horses were burning, along with the riders who hadn’t managed to jump out of the way. Before we had a chance to even wonder how it had happened, we saw a sight that broke the morale of four full units of cavalry.   The chariots were breathing hellfire. Their hideous mouths, which we couldn’t see before they opened, were agape and covering everyone in range with a fire that kept burning and burning, until the victims were nothing but ashes. The fiends that directed the chariots were laughing as they rode through the fire, chasing after our people who had turned to flee.   So many people were lost that day. Morale broke throughout all the troops who were engaged in battle and they fled, chased by the chariots of hellfire. It’s a sight I still see in my nightmares.   -Lexan Wolfsage, former sergeant in the Casetius army


The chariot is propelled by wheels that are part of the creature that makes up the vehicle.

Weapons & Armament

The chariot itself is a fiendish creature created by Bel, Lord of Avernus. Its only attack is the breathing of hellfire, which sets flesh and clothing ablaze with a fire that cannot be put out by non-magical means. Anyone who touches the creature risk getting burned, but just a touch will not set fire to anyone or anything.

Armor and defense

Its only defense is a natural armor that can protect it from non-magical attacks, although some drivers will put specially made armor on the chariot to help protect it.

Communication Tools & Systems

It communicates via telepathy.
Hell Chariot
Owning Organization
4' to 6' at the highest point
Complement / Crew
One large person/fiend or two medium sized

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