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Horn of the Unicorn

3rd level Transmutation   Casting Time: 1 action   Range: Self   Components: V, S   Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes.   You grow the horn of a Unicorn on your brow, which remains visible while Wildshaping. While concentrating on this spell, your movement speed increases by 20 feet and you gain the following features:  
  • Horn Attack: Your horn is a melee weapon with which you are proficient. You use your spellcasting modifier in place of your Strength when attacking with your horn, and when you take the attack action on your turn, you may make one additional horn attack as a bonus action. Your Horn deals 1d8 + Spellcasting modifier piercing damage on a hit.
  • Charge: If you move in a 20 foot straight line towards your enemy and hit with a horn attack, if the target is a creature it must succeed on a Strength saving throw versus your Spell Save DC or be knocked Prone.
  • Healing Touch: As an action, you can magically heal a creature's wounds. Touch a creature with your horn. That creature regains 2d8+Spellcasting modifier hit points. In addition, remove any poison or disease affecting the creature. This feature has 3 charges. Once you have used it three times, you may not use it again until the next time you cast this spell.
Spell Lists. Druid

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