Bastion "In faith we trust, in unity we stand."

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Current Date: 596-10-15
  Bastion's History Epoch is a sprawling metropolis, the largest and most powerful city on the continent. It is a city of towering spires, grand marketplaces, and bustling streets, where people from all walks of life come to make their fortunes. Despite its size and complexity, Epoch is governed by a strict theocracy, with the church holding sway over all aspects of life. The city is centered around the grand citadel known as the Bastion of Ascendence, a massive fortress that dominates the skyline. The church, which is the dominant force in Epoch, controls everything from the economy to the military. Their power is enforced by a guild of elite mercenaries known as the Guild of the 7th Seal, who are considered the finest warriors in the land. The Guild is responsible for protecting the city and enforcing the will of the church. They are a common sight in the city, easily recognizable by their distinctive black armor and the symbol of the 7th Seal emblazoned on their shields.   The city is a hub of trade and commerce, and people from all over the world come to buy and sell goods in the grand marketplaces that line the city streets. The markets are a riot of color and sound, with vendors hawking everything from exotic spices to rare magical artifacts. But the markets are also a dangerous place, with thieves and cutthroats lurking in the shadows, waiting to prey on the unwary.   Despite the church's strict control over the city, Epoch is a place of great diversity and tolerance. People from all races and walks of life are welcome in the city, as long as they follow the church's rules. The city is a melting pot of cultures, and it is not uncommon to hear the sounds of different languages and see people of all colors and creeds walking the streets.   The people of Epoch are proud and fiercely independent, with a strong sense of community and shared purpose. They take pride in their city and its accomplishments, and are always eager to welcome visitors and show off their home. But they are also wary of outsiders, and it can take time for strangers to earn their trust.   The city itself is a marvel of engineering and architecture, with towering spires and grand buildings that seem to reach for the sky. The streets are lined with shops and taverns, and there is always something to see and do. But beyond the glittering façade of the city lies a dark underbelly, where crime and corruption thrive.