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Antelope Sister

Strange fey creatures of the fields who desire freedom above all else, content to chase the winds of Cressen until the end of days.

Basic Information


Rarely seen in the wild, they have a face that is striking and plaintive, with black eyes and pursed lips upon elongated features. Their lithe, agile frames are dominated by tall, long legs ending in cloven feet.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like all other Bastollan spirits, Antelope Sisters do not physically reproduce. Their numbers wax and wane according to the deeper currents of the wider Dreamscape, the 'objective' calculus of which is currently unknown to all Bastollan spiritual authorities. There has been some research to suggest a correlation between the number of Antelope Sister sightings in a given area and the amount of freedom generally experienced by the broader population of that area. In the Antebellum Period, there was a fairly well-docmuented phenomena entire herds of Antelope Sisters seen (most often by slaves) moving in unison across far-off plains.

Dietary Needs and Habits

As is the case with other spirits, Antelope Sisters don't need food in the same way a purely corporeal creature does. This being said, Antelope Sisters are still partially corporeal some of the time, meaning that they can partake in and actively enjoy the consumption of food. Fermented ground apples are a notable favourite.

Biological Cycle

These spirits are migratory, usually appearing in the Lenla Grasslands throughout the Waxing of Cressen and leaving in the first days of Fossen. It is difficult to predict both the arrival and departure of these spirits with any reliable metric because of how finely tuned they are to the passage of warmer air currents. But it is widely believed that Antelope Sisters can sense approaching food shortages and plagues, and it is thus a grim portent if they have left before the beginning of Tassen.


If she is entreated with food or some other offering, a Sister might allow a traveler to climb upon her back, carrying them over a great distance in no time at all. But this graciousness is rarely offered, and would-be captors of these beautiful creatures soon discover just how much pain an Antelope Sister will inflict to maintain her freedom.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Antelope Sisters have excellent hearing, and their fur is patterned in such a way as to give them dark markings around the eyes that make it easier for them to see through bright light. Antelope Sisters are one of the many spirits who manifest in both worlds, though they see using the Dreamscape. They have a sort of sixth sense that is finely-tuned to danger of all kinds, which is demonstrated by the hair on their bodies sticking up in the air, as though in a field of static electricity. Very occasionally, one might encounter an Antelope Sister frozen in place, staring off at a point in the distance with her 'hackles' raised like this. In these times, it's best to run away as fast and as far away as you can. Even if you can't see what she is seeing. Especially if you can't see what she is seeing.
Conservation Status
There are no official estimates of Antelope Sister population, largely because the spirits are an incredibly rare sight to begin with, and are notoriously difficult to track.

Cover image: by jhorn


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