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Dyx Company

These scholars work as agents of the Skoe-la-Pendra, a school within the Spectral Church. The school is dedicated to intense study of the Pendragon, an ancient, enormous staff with which the Prophet is said to have sealed the Night away at the beginning of the First Ellypse. While the school itself studies the capabilities of these wooden fragments of this legendarily powerful instrument that are known to exist in this world, the Dyx Company is responsible for minding the whereabouts of the item as a whole. And since the Pendragon has not been fully reconstructed yet, the Company may also take charge of any given investigation if it is found to concern the potential location of a previously-undiscovered piece.



It's a small operation, with no more than three hundred members.


Dyx Company has authorized access to all resources of both the Spectral Church and the royal military. The only tools they cannot use are the wooden fragments they are charged with protecting.


While they are unable to use tue Pendragon fragments for magical ends, agents of the Dyx company have the knowledge and authorization to use Pendragon Miracles, also known as Prime Teachings, in the aid of their holy mission. These miracles, derived from the Skoe-la-Pendra's rigorous studies of the Pendragon and the ominous magic stored within. The Prime Teachings are some of the most powerful known holy magics in all histories of Bastollo, and even some of the precursory lessons have been known to break the minds of seasoned spellers who attempt to use them without proper training.


Hopeful agents of the Dyx Company must work through the ranks of the Skoe-la-Pendra, learning about the Pendragon in all its various aspects, both theoretical and practical. After doing so, they are initiated into the company, subjected to disciplined physical and mental training regimen in one-on-one apprenticeships with field agents of the company. Many initiates do not survive the process, and those that do are forever changed by the experience.
Special Forces
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Cover image: by jhorn


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Aug 3, 2024 23:26 by Marjorie Ariel

I like their connection to the school, and their weaponry is really interesting!

Aug 4, 2024 00:00

Thank you very much, I appreciate it!