Exquisite Corpse Theory
A theological premise with an incredibly controversial reputation, one responsible for the first Banishment of the Gnomes and subsequent Banishments thereafter.
The controversy stems from the following assertion the theory makes about its 'Exquisite Corpse'. Lombra is dead, and the world as we know it grows upon her divine body, thus upholding her memory and continued power over existence. Volorisma, an elvish belief in origin, holds this proposition to be fundamentally impossible. Lombra's sustained consciousness is what keeps the world from falling into oblivion, and since oblivion hasn't come, then she must still be alive. But this isn't what makes the Exquisite Corpse Theory so controversial. Due to the nature of her horrible fate in the beginning of creation, Lombra is unable to see the world she created on her own. She relies on the eyes and minds of her children to perceive this world, lest it fall into total oblivion. This fact (in the eyes of the Spectral Church and many other sects of Volorisma) makes Exquisite Corpse Theory a cataclysmic proposition that must be stopped. For if every Child of the Dream, all those who maintain Her Divine Threefold Gaze, should believe the world around them to be dead, then the power of that very dream shall make it so, and the world will soon fade into ashen nothingness once more.