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First Vectar

Within the Spectral Church, ascension to the position of First Vectar is not entirely based on inheritance. Instead, it is decided by a council of elders (headed by the figure themselves) who arranges the next inheritor of the title. Then, when members of this council expire, the figure chooses their replacements. This effectively creates a political ouroboros.
  However, it hasn't been this way for long. Throughout the ages, since the inception of the Spectral Church in the First Ellypse, the appointment of the First Vectar was a duty of the reigning monarch, which inextricably tied the position to the divine right of kings.
  But with the death of the royal family at the end of the Bastollan Civil War, and after a period of jockeying for position (within the church and without), the newly-formed Bastollan government granted the Spectral Church with the autonomy, and therefore the ability appoint the First Vectar.


Jurie du Jardinierre, or the Gardener's Judgement, is an order which can only be delivered by the First Spectar during wartime. This order dedicates all resources and efforts of the Spectral Church towards the war effort until the time has passed. The priesthood's immense magical knowledge often outweighs the basic offensive potential of the Bastollan military. Because of this fact, the position of First Vectar is often regarded as being similar to that of a commander in chief, and alignment with their interests is often considered essential to a successful military endeavour within the country.


Many of the First Vectar's most significant historical exploits often involve their ability to deliver the Gardener's Judgement. The First Vectar's delivery of the Judgement during the Second Catavarran War is often thought to have been the key factor that prevented Bastollo from being completely overtaken by the Empire of Lights.
Religious, Clerical
Still in effect
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Lifetime Sentence
Related Organizations

Cover image: by jhorn