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The Harvestman

A fearsome, omnipresent figure who loves to swoop in and pull invisible strings to make bad things even worse. When not cloaked (as he often is) in the guise of one trustworthy mortal or another, his overall frame is best described as spider-ish, with a slightly paunchy torso and long, thin, gangly limbs. No matter his appearance, the Harvestman always keeps his eyes out of sight. Whether he hides them behind a pair of dark glasses, or in the shadow of a hat, this man will never truly meet you in the eye.
  He is the devil in disguise. A false spider, who spins lies instead of silk, and leaves nothing but chaos in his wake. Do not trust him.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

He is known to keep two extra pairs of arms behind his back. Be wary of crossed fingers.

Apparel & Accessories

Even when in disguise, he prefers to dress himself in neutral tones. Plain blacks. Shabby browns. The dullest of greys.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Harvestman is one of the oldest known spirits in Bastollo, which is strange considering how little mention one finds of him in the history books. He doesn't really mind, though. Of all the horrid things one can find in his deeply sinister nature, the Harvestman isn't much of a showboat. He would much rather drift through the margins of history, content to enjoy every last second of the chaos he is so good at bringing into the world.

Personality Characteristics


Above all else, the Harvestman simply loves change. At least, that's how he would phrase it. This malicious creature thrives when everything around him reeks of chaos and destruction.

Likes & Dislikes

The Harvestman likes desperate people most of all, as he finds they make the most obedient puppets when bound to his invisible strings.
he/him, it/its
Pure black, and hard to spot.
Dry, thin, wispy and grey.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Perpetually covered in a fine layer of dust.
Known Languages
He could probably speak in every tongue simultaneously if he wanted to.

Cover image: by jhorn
Character Portrait image: by jhorn


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