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The Sabelseides

The Sabelseides are the western side of the mountain range which forms approximately two thirds of the border that separates Bastollo from the New Voltaic Republic. A rugged, uneven landscape that was once covered with a coniferous montane forest, though a great number of these trees were cleared away long ago to facilitate large-scale mining operations in the region. A reasonably-prosperous yet sparsely-populated network of mining towns runs along the foot of the mountains, while the austere black slopes themselves are mostly adorned with mine shafts, outposts, and the occasional ruin. Though they largely fall within the jurisdiction of the enormous grove province of Fe Loudon, the southernmost Sabelseides straddle the province’s southern border, forming the northwestern countryside of Essol, a garden province of average size with a blossoming industrial sector. Gnomes gather around the Sabelseides in greater percentages than they do anywhere else in the country, with the exception of Toril’s Berth just to the west.

Cover image: by jhorn


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