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Vampirism is a wasting condition, initially transmitted and accelerated by prolonged contact with spirits known as Finger Pointers.


A primary symptom of the disease is rapidly accelerated blood loss, which can be observed on a multitude of different scales. For example, someone in the early stages of vampirism will have a heightened proclivity for nosebleeds, while other kinds of bodily excrement will often be laced with trace amounts of blood as well.   Alongside this heightened rate of blood loss comes a strengthened hematophagous impulse, which invariably leads to subjects eventually consuming blood. The condition doesn't necessitate human blood, though often that is the most tempting. Usually animal blood will suffice, which is why many vampires can be found settling into careers as circus geeks.   If one succumbs to death as a result of this blood loss, they will not stay dead unless their body and/or grave is treated with certain precautions, and will instead rise from the grave as a True Vampire. These beings will resemble the individual at the time of their death in many ways, though they will only look more monstrous with the passage of time.

Affected Groups

The finger pointers love to choose their targets in accordance with pre-existing social strata. This means that anyone can technically run afoul of the foul and vindictive rumors that spread Vampirism, those rumors will find easier purchase in targets that are already kept on the outs of 'polite society.' This includes racial groups like gnomes and tieflings, as well as gender identities that are decidedly non-masculine in their presentation. Certain professions and work environments like circuses and dance halls are also factors that can make a person succumb to the initial stages of Vampirism.

Hosts & Carriers

Finger pointers, also known as 'needles' or 'needlers' are a microscopic type of spirit, born of cast judgement and aspersions. As their names would suggest, they are called into existence through the outstretched fingers cast towards their target.
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital
Affected Species

Cover image: by jhorn


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