Myttenople Settlement in Bataf | World Anvil
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Build on three hills overlooking a valley, the city of Myttenople serves as the capital of the Arcadnian empire. The Duarchs co-rule the empire from atop the three great hills overlooking the city. Each duarch works inside of the administrative complex of their own hill.


The city is surrounded by a single continuous marble wall that contains all districts. Then inside of the city the three hills are surounded by their own stone walls, turning them into three fortresses. Invaders need to choose between approaching the hills from the thins strip of land between the hill and the wall or from the market place where archers can overlap their fields of fire.


Myttenople contains four districts: the Northern Hill, the Southern Hill, the Eastern Hill, and the City Centre  

Northern Hill

The Northern Hill contains the barrack and training grounds for the Arcadnian army. The elite warriors of Myttenople, have taken an oath to sleep, train, and eat inside of the halls of the Northern Hill, only leaving its confines during religious festivals or when marching to war. The training grounds are open to all Arcadnians to watch the warriors train and to be inspired by them.  

Southern Hill

The southern hill contains the palace and courthouse. Every day a mile long que of petitioners wait in front of the palace gates, waiting for the duarch to hear their case and pass judgement upon them. The duarch charges a small fee for his service to fatten the state coffins and to ensure that he isn't petitioned something as unimportant as a runaway cow trampling a carrot farm.  

Eastern Hill

The Eastern Hill contains the temple complex, inside of which several important religious artefacts are contained. The most important of these is the Phalanx Altar, a secret altar to the city's patron goddess Myttena. The temple complex contains its own cattle farm to ensure a steady supply of sacrificial cows to offer to the Arcadnian gods. The duarchs serve as the high priests of the Eastern hill, but only visit during religious festivals.  

City Centre

The City Centre is the economic heart of the city and the place where most civil live takes place. In the very centre is the marketplace where farmers and merchants from across all of Arcadnia come to sell their wares. Foreign merchants are only allowed to sell their wares on Sundays, which is when merchants from as far a field as Svellbjargheim come to peddle their exotic goods.
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank

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Jul 6, 2023 12:08 by Marc Zipper

I love the way you describe the districts. Some details you know what is going on and some important relevance I can see this Kingdom being used in RPG easily

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