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Swallow's Sanctum

Hidden amongst the jagged peaks of the Zapno Mountains lays a home for the needy and displaced, a magical sanctuary known as Swallow's Sanctum. Swallow's Sanctum lays in a place outside of time and space. The road to the sanctum is hidden from sight, only revealing itself when the enchantment senses the desperation of a people who truly have no where left to go. When the refugees arrive at the gates of Swallow's Sanctum its doors slowly open themselves, while a disembodied voice speaks from inside. The voice tells the refugees to leave all weapons and thought of violence at the door if they wish to be protected by the sanctum, and that failure to comply with the sanctum's covenant will be punished.


The walls of the Swallow's Sanctum are decorated with hundred of different engravings of long gone civilisations. Pots, vases, and other stone decorations of these same peoples can also be spotted throughout the Sanctum's many chambers.


When entering the Swallow's Sanctum one must first travel through a long hallways leading into the central chamber, from there several spacious caverns fan out, giving both space and privacy for the refugees to set up. The central chamber has a large garden, which receives sunlight from an opening in the roof of the cavern. From that same opening two waterfalls flow in, carrying clean drinking water from the mountain tops which is then transported through the sanctum in a series of channels. When standing in the garden it feels like one is permanently standing in a summer's day, and thanks to this the garden is able to supply both warmth and food in even the coldest of winter days.


The Swallow's Sanctum has always been meant to form a temporary refuge for the downtrodden, until the danger passes and they are able to move on to a save home. Its strict covenant was partly created to enforce this intention. Those that quickly leave rarely have a problem with upholding their end of the deal, but those who stay beyond their welcome almost always break their promise. Sometimes this is because their population grows beyond the sanctum's capacity, and the crowded space creates conflict between the refugees. Other times the refugees forget their covenant, and try to craft arms to create a military. And rarely the children become rowdy and fight each other while playing. The sanctum does not care why the covenant was broken, only that it was. A magical wall of fire begins raging from the entrance of the sanctum, slowly purging everyone in the sanctum as it moves forwards throughout the sanctum. When the fire wall reaches the back of the sanctum nothing will be left of the peoples that sought protection inside but ash, a few artefacts, and a few scant legends in the outside world.

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