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Amongst the sulphuric clouds of the Cooking Canyon, high above the fortress of [[Lusuium]], flies a flock of black birds. They search the grounds bellow, keeping their sharp eyes out for both intruders and escapees. These are the Sweaglets. Created by the fortress' Biomancers, these dark medium sizes birds are one of their more benign experiments. Created through the act of egg-fusing, the Biomancers have combined an eagle, a swiftlet, and a swift.

Basic Information


The sweaglet combines the best aspects of its three ancestors to be the perfect scout. The eyes of the sweaglet contain comparatively large pupil compared to its body size to minimalize the scattering of incoming light. This allows them to see twice as many details as the average humanoid and see sharply at much further distances. To help their ability to see during the day their eyes include a special type of photoreceptor cell which allows them to see both ultraviolet and infrared light. During the night it slightly dislocates its mandible and than pushes its back into place, creating a loud snapping sound. It then uses the reflection of this sound as a form of echolocation to see the world around it.   The sweaglet can stay in the air for over 200 days. During these aerial days they fly up to 3 km up into the air to take small power naps and safely glide down to a lower altitude. They feed themselves on the many flies attracted by the smell of putrescent flesh coming from Lusuium, aiding with keeping the fortress pest free. When landed the sweaglet appears to be on the brink of death, limping around on two legs which are nearly too short to keep its own body mass up.   The saliva glands of the sweaglet produces a hard substance which it rolls in its beak into a small sphere with a bumpy surface. It then stores these spheres in its crop. When it attacks it regurgitates the spheres and spits them in quick succession at its target.

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