The Good Night Physical / Metaphysical Law in Bataf | World Anvil
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The Good Night

Every 81 years two twin comets, called the Eyes of Paradise, pass along the night sky as two tiny silver specks flying in front of the moon. This night is called the Good Night and unlike other nights (which are generally avoided at all costs) this night is considered one of the most auspicious times to pass away. People believe that the twin comets block the pull of both the Moon of Reincarnation and the Soul Sun. People who are lucky enough to die during this night are said to go to an afterlife unlike any other, where they will live forever in a beautiful paradise. Kings are known to spend their entire kingdom's treasury just to be able to stay alive until the Good Night.  


This paradise is said to be a warm place, where food and drink are in abundance and where no violence will ever come. Not even the gods are allowed to enter this paradise. Only it's patron, simply known as the caregiver, is said to be able to allow mortals to enter when it is not the Good Night. Not even legends can agree on how the caregiver looks. Some say he is a great grandfather, with a big belly and a bellowing laugh, while others say he is a great prince, beautiful, gracious, and a master of every instrument known to man. However some conspiracy theorists warn that. as with all things astral, this paradise might hide a terrible secret.


During the Good Night the Moon of Reincarnation is always full. The Eyes of Paradise are flying downward, coming from two opposite sides of the moon's face. Together the moon and the twin comets create the image of a jolly face in the night sky, smiling down on all the people of Bataf.
Metaphysical, Astral

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