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Principality of Arneguru

Demography and Population

3.3 million people


The land is mostly open deserts and fields with areas of stretching hills.  

Might makes right

The respect you have garnered here gives you right to own and control your area. Thieving is not uncommon and merchants that want to get the potent herbs, plants or spices from Arneguru either carry enough bribes or power to be able to do so.   All clans answer to the Horse Khan, who reigns supreme. Anyone can challenge the Khan in a trail by combat to overtake the throne and make their clan the leading one.


The nation has a large horse clan with roughly 350 000 horses and 200 000 infantry men.


The nation is split between worship of Kord, the storm lord and Anhur, the god of War and Weather. It often depends if the person in question values honor or family.

Foreign Relations

The people of Arneguru can be hard to deal with if you don't have something they want or their respect.

Agriculture & Industry

The clans are good hunters and gatherers, making use of the nature and resources around them. Generally the smallar clans have designated groups of hunterers, gatherers and those who stay to tend to sick and young.

Trade & Transport

Arneguru is a harsh land, where the strong thrive. Merchants that come here do so for the potent spice and herbs that can be found here.


The practice of magic or higher arts here is rare.


There are settlements, most of which are tents and hovels where clans gather. The bigger settlements have houses and the like.
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Gold (or item-to-item trading)
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Species

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