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The Castle of the Raven's Loft

Purpose / Function

Currently, the Castle is home to well over a few dozen trillion inhabitants, holding multiple planets worth of space within its walls as it devours and absorbs the world of Bator into itself before it will attempt to move itself to another world to devour only to move on again and devour more worlds, etc etc.   Needless to say, this was not the original intent behind its construction. Originally, it was merely a castle on the world of Kolevir meant to house a some royal family or military force and was never intended to devour planets as it does now.


The very first alterations made to the Castle was its... heart. A single, large, oval room in its center with 2 thrones in its middle that stand against one another with their backs and are aimed at both ends of the room. This is where the regents of the castle used to make their office, but, as the castle was infused with more and more power, and became subject of worship, the heart turned from a mere throne room into the actual heart of the castle which beats in sync with its breaths.   Second were the external walls. Before it became an organic expansion of the body, its residents slowly built walls around it and transformed the newly claimed territory into more cobble streets and brick buildings for themselves.   Third, chapels of the Great Castle were constructed. The first of these was a mere place of worship for those worshiping the regents that ruled the castle, but as it grew and lasted long beyond anyone else, including the regents, these chapels were reconstructed into places that worshiped the Castle which housed them.   And last, the Plane Towers. These were special tuning rods, built every kilometre into the external walls, that penetrated space, creating portals to other worlds which made the towers hubs for both tourism and trade.


The Castle is build in a style reminiscent of Gothic architecture, with arches, spikes, columns, walkways high above the ground, rose windows, and buttress' dominating the construction. Most of the Castle walls appear to be made up of a light onyx colored brick stone, with little actual wood seeming to included.


Long, long, long, ago there was a world. This world was ancient, its gods had reigned for countless millennia, its peoples had achieved wondrous things that many deities found impossible, its nature had been depleted and reinvigorated a thousand times over.

This world was known as Kornevir.

Twas a wondrous world, twas no longer a speck of dust in the endless void, twas in that stead a beacon of innovation and culture. But, as it was no speck of dust in the endless void, it was not exempt from the sins of all men, as none is.

It knew war, famine, hatred, and loss as all do. As such, the lords of the world build great strongholds, foundational structures that they had woven into the very nature of Kornevir.

Of all these great strongholds, between the wars that raged around it, a single one went unseen. A castle, no more than a kilometre large in any direction, build from scrap stone and housing the outcasts of its world. The name of this castle, of its regents, and where is originally resides is unknown to all as no records of this remained from this time.

this structure survived all wars that raged around it by simply remaining neutral, not bothering to threaten itself with war and slowly expanding itself.

From but a few hundred meters to a couple kilometres, to hundreds. As it grew in size, so did it in power. A religion began worshiping it for how long it remained while all other structures fell, protecting all who were willing to fall to their knees to it and reside within it.

From a few hundred kilometres, to a few thousand, to the entire world the Castle grew, by the hands of men and the placing of rock at first but eventually the sheer belief and worship awoke the Castle, which spread further now alone.

Now, the castle was awake. It was alone. It had devoured its world. But it still hungered. And so, with a mighty roar it dug its claws into the Weave and crawled to another world. And to another. And to another. Never once stopping. Its maw eternally enveloping all it came across.

Until it came to Bator.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Castle, Dreadwalls, the shade in the horizon, the world eater
Megastructure, Land based
Parent Location

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