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Bag of Magic Marbles

This brown leather bag seems ordinary at first glance, except for the colorful illustrations along the opening. A Detect Magic will reveal a faint magical aura. If you look inside you would see that it is filled with marble-sized orbs, made out of any metal (iron, mithral, lead etc.), glass or wood (roll or choose a material).
  The bag can be emptied, spreading the marbles out over a 10-foot square. With a specified command word, all marbles can be teleported back into the bag for later use.
  Aside from their use in making people fall and the ease in gathering them all back, it has another ability. With a different command word, you can make the marbles explode, causing piercing and bludgeoning damage (3d4 of both) to any in the area of marbles, no Reflex save.
  If you decide to have the marbles explode, the bag will be empty, and remain so until you give it raw material to make more marbles. Putting glass, wood or any metal into the bag will give it enough raw material to construct new marbles, that can then be used for the purposes named above. Once the raw material has been fed, it wil take 2 days for it to properly construct new marbles


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