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A chimera has the hindquarters of a goat, the forequarters of a lion, and a set of dragon wings. Additionally, a chimera has three heads, that of a horned goat, a lion, and a dragon. Chimeras were not very intelligent creatures.[2] Their dragon-like natures often led them to attack intelligent beings for their treasure and to live solitary existences in caves, though some took after the lion and lived in prides.[5]   A chimera did not usually perceive humans as a threat, but would normally attack the easiest source of food, and would leave humans alone if an easier source was available. They would not hesitate to withdraw from combat if they became injured, and would not seek vengeance later. A chimera preferred to attack by swooping from the sky, attacking with its claws and its jaws, but they would also charge along the ground, leading with their lion head. Once entered into combat, they would use their dragon head to defend against attackers while their lion head will attempt to grasp its victim's neck in their jaws and snap it. It was not wholly uncommon for the goat head to sleep throughout the entire battle.

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