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Cyrus Akahoshi

Cyrus Akahoshi

Cyrus is an ex-soldier currently working as an adventurer. He's only ever done quests with fellow soldiers before and finds it refreshing taking random requests with total strangers he met at a tavern.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cyrus worked in Runswick as a soldier. He was in charge of a small group soldiers, about 7 people. While he found the fighting portion of the job rewarding, everything else he found a bore. Talking with people, investigating, breaking up petty fights, and standing guard for hours on end could kill a man's spirit. He was bored with his everyday; with no opportunities to just relish in battle, to fight to the death, to swing his sword until his arms were numb.
        Many years ago, he fucked up, like big time. He went into a rage and didn't come back down until the person he was supposed to arrest was not only beaten and bloody, but dead. He was bewildered when he came back down, after all, he had no weapons on him, but he was also elated. After years of boredom this is what brought him the pure excitement he was looking for. This was the cure all he needed.
        He'll never forget the high he experienced beating that man to death, just as he will never forget the horrified looks of his subordinates arriving as backup. Naturally, he did what any killer might do in that situation, he ran for the hills. He fled the city because as fun as the fight was, he really wasn't supposed to kill that person. At best he would lose his job and at worst he would lose his freedom and newly found joy.
        It has been a long time since then, and though he doubts his actions are remembered now, he's not going to go home for at least another 3 decades
Chaotic Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Redish Tan
6 ft

Cyrus's Story for a Wish

When I was a young foal, I always had a habit of exploring the 'wilds' that surrounded me. Of course, the 'wilds' were just a nearby field, forest, and river that I could go to to be alone and play. It wasn't all that dangerous, or at least it shouldn't have been, but one day as I explored farther and farther into the forest, I encountered a wolf. It was a startling encounter, the wolf lunged and my mind went blank. I don't remember much of the encounter other than my only weapon at the time were my fists and my hooves and I did not stop throwing myself at the beast until it was long dead. One would think after such an encounter I would be frightened, but all I could feel was the thrill of the hunt, of winning a battle that I had a huge disadvantage against. It was what inspired me to learn to fight and make it a career.


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